He Hits You #2

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He hits you in front of another boys~


Harry had been in a grumpy mood all day, even when Niall came over. Niall thought it was kind of weird too but the two of you decided to just leave him be and not push anything. You thought it would be nice to bring the boys some drinks while they were watching the game, so you grabbed a couple beers from the fridge and brought them to the living room. "Thanks (Y/N)," Niall smiled as you handed it to him. "No problem Niall, Harry you want one?" you asked, holding the bottle out for him. "Did I ask for it?" he said sarcastically, looking at you with raised eyebrows. "Well... no, but-" "Then I don't fucking want it," he said, cutting you off. You were a bit taken back by his behavior. "Mate, she was just trying to be nice," Niall spoke, trying to defend you. "She's always trying to be nice Niall! And you know what (Y/N), I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you always bothering me. All the time!" He stood up. "You're so fucking clingy so back the fuck off and leave me alone!" he shouted, shoving you out of the way, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground. Your head made contact with the hardwood floor with a loud sound but Harry didn't even turn, he just walked out of the room. You groaned, the pain in the back of your head radiating to the front. Niall got up off the couch, helping you sit up. "(Y/N), are you okay?" You sniffled, feeling the need to cry come of strong. You didn't hold back, sobbing into your hands while Niall rubbed your back. Harry still hadn't shown himself, but you didn't really want to be around him right now. "He didn't mean it (Y/N)..." Niall soothed. "He's just having a bad day." "That's no excuse Niall!" He could only nod his head not knowing what to say. You weren't sure if you could forgive Harry for this.


Louis had invited you and Liam to one of his soccer games, and the two of you had happily obliged. But the days leading up to the game weren't the best for Liam and yourself. It had been fighting constantly non stop. The two of you were even fighting at the actual game. It was a long hour, sitting there in an awkward silence for the whole game. Louis had invited the two of you down to the dressing rooms after the game to meet up and the plan was to go get a bite to eat. So while you two were waiting for him, another argument struck up, the yelling gradually getting louder. It echoed through the empty hallways. You gave up screaming, letting Liam yell at you without any fighting back. But then he said something that crossed a line, making you lash out. "LIAM PAYNE YOU SON OF A BI-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before his palm made contact with your face. "Liam what the hell?!" a familiar voice shouted. You turned your head, noticing Louis rushing towards the two of you. Liam's face was shocked. Louis reached you guys, putting an arm around your shoulder. "Mate, what the fuck?" You had the same look on your face that your boyfriend did. "I-I didn't mean..." Louis put his hand up. "Save it... I'm taking (Y/N) to my place for a bit." He began leading you away, leaving Liam to think about what had just happened.


Harry and you dragged the highly intoxicated Niall through the front door of your house. You weren't sure how he had gotten that drunk that fast but he did. And now he could barely stand. "Don't touch me," he grumbled, ripping his arm out of Harry's grasp but he kept a firm grasp. You were struggling to keep a hold of him yourself. "I said don't touch me!" Niall said louder, pulling out of Harry's grasp. He turned to look at you and had a look of intense anger. "Let go!" he roared, the back of his hand flying into your face. He hit you flat in the nose. Hard. You quickly let go of his arm and cupped your hands over your nose. When you pulled them away, they were covered in blood. Niall, being in the drunken state he was, he let out a laugh and said, "Who the hell are you?" You were shocked. The tears gathered in your eyes as you placed your hands back over your nose. Harry grabbed a towel from the kitchen and gave it to you to hold on your bloody face. He helped Niall to the couch before coming back over to you. "(Y/N) are you okay?" You shook your head, the cold droplets leaking down your cheeks. "Hey, hey..." He pulled you into a hug, not worrying about the blood. "I'll stay here tonight okay? You go up to bed and I'll make sure he doesn't go anywhere okay?" You nodded into his shoulder, thanking him quietly before heading up to bed. It was going to me an interesting morning.


Zayn wasn't violent with you. At all. Never in his life had he gotten physical with you in a negative way. But that was going to change in a couple hours. The boys were over for a get together one evening and Zayn had asked you to be on your best behavior. You found that a bit rude but brushed it off your shoulder and continued on with your evening. The six of you were all talking in the living room and you were sharing a story about Zayn. It had the four boys laughing but Zayn was gritting his teeth trying to hide his displeasure. "(Y/N) can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?" he asked, falsely smiling. "Uh, sure?" you replied as more as a question. The two of you got up heading into the kitchen where the rest of the guys would be able to hear the verbal lashing you got. "Why the fuck would you do that huh? I told you to behave!" he whisper shouted. "For Christ's sake Zayn I'm not a fucking child!" you retaliated, louder than him. "Would you keep it down?! We have guests!" he continued to whisper. "No, Zayn. You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do! You're not my father! Let them hear me!" You couldn't expect what happened next. His hand went flying through the air, slapping you on the face and making your head fly to the side. "ZAYN?!" a voice shouted and you turned to see Liam. "What the hell mate!" he exclaimed, coming to your side standing protectively in front of you. Your mouth was slightly agape, shocked that your boyfriend would do that. "I-I... I didn't mean it..." he stuttered. "Bullshit, you knew what you were doing!" you yelled. He shut his mouth, eyes wide. "C'mon (Y/N)..." Liam mumbled. "Wait, where are you taking her?" Zayn spoke up. "Somewhere safe Zayn. She's not a dog and she sure as hell won't be treated like one." Liam led you out of the room. You weren't sure if your relationship was going to get past this.


You followed Louis into the living room, continuing the fight. "LOUIS TOMLINSON! YOU SLEPT WITH ANOTHER GIRL, HOW THE HELL SHOULD I FUCKING CALM DOWN?!" you yelled at him. "I told you I was sorry!!!" he yelled back spinning on his heel. You guys had completely forgotten that Zayn was supposed to come over today, you were just to caught up in this fight. You had found out that Louis had 'mistakenly' slept with another girl. "Louis sorry doesn't fucking cut it! You CHEATED ON ME!!!" You were so infuriated, your face was red. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roared and before you knew it, the back of his hand was on your cheek, knocking you to the ground. You fell clutching your cheek, not noticing that Zayn had just witnessed the whole thing. "What the fuck Louis?" he spoke firmly. Louis whipped towards the sound of his friends voice. "Zayn!?" he said surprised. "Shit..." Zayn made his way over to you, turning his attention away from Louis and towards you. "Babe, you okay?" He helped you stand up. The hit had knocked you around a bit and you found that you were a bit dizzy. "Just a bit dizzy," you replied, leaning into his for support. Louis looked like he was about to cry. "(Y/N), I-" Zayn cut him off. "Now isn't a good time Louis," he said firmly once again. You looked to Louis, fear written on your face. "Can we go please?" you asked quietly. Zayn nodded, and the two of you left Louis alone, shocked and frozen, knowing he had probably just lost you.


Not mine. From Tumblr: http://aurora1dpreferences.tumblr.com




Love all the DF's,


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