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You're 16 & Pregnant~

Niall: "shit" you thought to yourself. positive. Niall was all you could think about. He was your older brother. he wasn't much older. 3 almost 4 years. You just turned 16 not long ago, and you got a little too carried away at your party, and that ended up in you getting pregnant. Your boyfriend, Jacob didn't know yet. You planned on telling Niall first. Your parents already knew and were upset but supported you. Niall walked in the door and you decided this was the time. "Niall, can we talk?" you asked him. "Sure Y/N, what is it?" he replied calmly. "I honestly don't know how to tell you this, but I'm pregnant." You said clearly nervous. "Your joking right." he said anger clear in his voice. "Niall, i kno-" but you got cut off in the middle of your sentence. "You have to be fucking kidding me! You just turned 16, you have a full life ahead of you, and now your god damn pregnant?!" he screamed at you. You were in tears. "Niall." You said, a single tear slipping. "I'm sorry, its just i want the best for you." he said calmly. "I know." You two hugged and in the end he supported you with everything, and was glad to be a uncle.

Zayn: You were in your room sobbing, you were pregnant. At 16. Your boyfriend is trying to comfort you but its not working. "Zayn is going to shoot me!" you sobbed into his chest. His name was william. He was so sweet. "Babe he won't shoot you. He will be angry thought. Just like your parents." He said trying to calm you down. "William, my perants wern't mad, they were upset. Zayn is going to be angry, so I suggest that you stay away from him." You said to William. But then you heard talking so you went downstairs telling William to stay up just in case. "um, Zayn?" you asked him. "Yea Y/N?" he replied "I need to tell you something." You said to him. "Go on." He said going to grab a redbull from the fridge. "I wouldn't suggest drinking that while i tell you this, you might choke." you said sacasticly. "Okay then." he went to put back the redbull when your just spit it out "I'm pregnant". He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Your what?" he yelled. "You heard me Zayn. It wasn't planned. Just forgive me." You said trying to calm him down. "Did you tell mom and dad?" He asked. "Yeah, they were upset, but they wern't angry." You said to him. "Who, um you know." He said awkwardly. "William" you said under a whisper. "Be right back I got to go kill him" zayn said. "Zayn." You said sternly. "Y/N the only reason that I'm mad is because I am trying to protect you." he said softly. "I know Zayn." you said, he walked over kissed you forehead and said "Take care of the baby, and if William hurts you, hes dead." He said to you. You laughed at him and then went back up to your room and explained to William what happened.

Harry: Once again you threw up. Harry was starting to get really concerned so he decided to take you to the doctors since it was 7am and your parents were still sleeping. "Harry, my stomach really hurts and I have really bad cramps." you said as your were hunched over. "It's going to be okay, we are almost there." he said rubbing your back. But once again you got sick luckily you had a bag. "It's gonna be okay. Were almost there." Harry said to you. There were so many things running threw Harrys mind. "What if shes pregnant?" was the main one. You arrived at the hospital and Harry carried you in. "Help, please I need help." he said to a nurse. You haven't been eating much because of the cramps and pains in your stomach on top of the morning sickness . The nurse carried you into a room and Harry asked to talk to her. "Yes Mr.styles?" she asked him nicely. "Don't quote me on this, but i think shes pregnant." he said flinching at the word. "Is she sexually active?" the nurse asked him "Um i think so." Harry said not quite sure about your sex life. "Okay, we will run some tests." the nurse replied giving him a reasuring smile. Harry went and at in the waiting room. You were in a hospital room, a nurse walked in "Good your awake" she said. She started explaining how they had to run a few tests and stuff. After that was finished Harry was able to come in the room. Finally the tests came back. Positive, Positive and more Positive. "so your pregnant." Harry said trying to hide his anger. But you couldn't reply, you were in shock. You were only 16, you let a single tear slip. What were you going to do

Louis: You and your brother, Louis had a really good bond, you always pull pranks on each other and joke around. But you just found out that you were pregnant. You wern't quite sure how Louis was going to handle it but you didn't expect him to handle it well, hes 5 years older then you and aims to protect. "Louis, I'm pregnant." "Louis, your not gonna believe this. I'm pregnant" You were practicing infront of the mirror. "Okay, I'm ready" You thought to yourself. You walked down stairs where Louis was sitting on thew couch. "Hey, i need to talk to you." You said to him. He patted the spot next to him. "Louis, I'm pregnant." You said to him. "Haha, Good one Y/N." Louis said putting his hand up for a high five. But his face went blank when you didn't put your hand up. He ran to the phone and called your botfriend. This wasn't going to end well.

Liam: Liam was on tour, you lived with your boyfriend in ireland because you were going to collage there. Yes you were only 16 and you were living on your own but you were very responsible and you were almost 17. But you were also pregnant. Liam and the boys were coming to visit you in 1 hour and you were planning on telling them.

~1 hour later~

They finally arrived at yours and you boyfriend, masons flat. Liam and him were good friends consindering the fact that theywere in the same grade. Masons 19. The boys all sat in the living room as you served them tea. Then you prosceded to tell them the unexpected news. "Um, I have a announcement to make." You said nervously. "I'm pregnant." suprisingly, they were happy for you. And you were really happy about that.






Luh ya,


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