You Need A Surgery

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You Need Surgery~


"It's just a very small tumor, nothing to worry about Mr. and Mrs. Styles. One surgery and we will remove the tumor, gracefully and swiftly." The doctor sat confidently.
"What's the death rate?" Harry asked quietly, squeezing your hand tightly.
"I have only had one person die out of about two thousand surgeries." Harry nodded, and looked at you.
"Ok, I'm ready," you murmur. "Sign me up."


"Mmmmph!" you groan in pain, looking around holding your stomach.
"Everything will be ok, babe. Everything will be ok." Liam kissed your hand, and looked at the ambulance people. "The baby will be ok." Once you get into the hospital, with much pain, the doctor preforms an ultrasound. "
"We need to preform a C section immediatley, come along Mr. Payne." They roll you into a OR, and put a freezing liquid on your belly. "The baby will be fine, but we have to remove her, immediatley." At the C Section, you're holding your newborn baby girl, who is fast asleep.


You were walking down the stairs in new high heels when you fell, just your luck. You twisted your ankle, and broke a bone in your body. Louis rushed you to the emergency room, and waited for the doctors diagnosis. "We have to preform surgery to remove a peice of bone, and implant a rod in the middle of your bone so you're steady." You nod, and go right into surgery. Once out, you feel perfectly fine, your leg hurting a little. Louis is happy to finally see you after 5 hours. A few weeks later you can walk perfectly.


"Babe, are you ok?" Niall asks as they lift you into the ambulance. You bite your tongue, and lip at the same time, trying to control the pain. You immediatley taste the unforgettable taste of blood. Once at the hospital, the doctor says he must rush you into surgery, you have a huge tumor. Niall cries so much while you're being operated on, and seven hours later, everything is ok. You are rolled out, the only pain is where they cut open your skin. He does everything he can to make you feel better. Soon enough you're out but Niall takes every chance he can to tell you how much he loves you, since a tumor almost took you.


You were diagnosed with cancer around 3 years ago, but finally after many treatments of chemo, the doctors give you the most amazing news. "Mrs. Malik, the cancer has shrunken, and we can preform surgery to remove it, most likely ridding you of your cancer. Do you want the surgery?" Without learning anything about it, you scream "Yes!" and celebrate with Zayn, that now you might be normal. You might stop getting sympathetic looks, and you might even get the beautiful hair back. The day of the surgery, Zayn holds your hand, and sings calming lullabies to you to calm you down. After the surgery is over, he sings to a sleeping you. The doctor comes in, waking you to give you the best news ever - your are now cancer free.


Not mine. Tumblr:


Hey Hey,


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