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🙋100th UPDATE!!

Your Kid Has Drugs In The Room~

Harry: "DARCY ELLA STYLES YOU GET HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE" Your husband Harry scremed. After a few minutes your teenage daughther Darcy walked in lookingface. "What is this?" He asked, his teeth gritted together and his eyes full of anger. completely petrified.
"What's up dad?" She asked but she already knew, you could see it in her face,
"WHAT'S UP? WHAT IS UP? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT IS UP!' He roared, getting closer to her every word. You put your hand on his shoukder to try and calm him down, your son was sleeping next door and he had only just managed to get to sleep. Harry nodded and held up the bag of white powder, all of the colour drained from Darcy's "Chill out dad!" she said, trying to remain alm but calm was far from what Harry was.
"Chill out? We've just found drugs in your room Darcy! I told you those friends of yours were no good for you!" He said, Darcy screamed at him, telling him that her friends were perfectly fine but what really got to Harry was Darcy saying
"WHY DO YOU SUDDENLY CARE? YOU'RE NEVER HERE!" she screamed in is face. You had never seen Harry so hurt and he pulled Darcy in close before saying.
"Oh Darce, Is that why you turned to drugs?" he asked and all your daugther could do was nod. "Babe, I will never go away again if that's what it takes to help you stop, I will do naything to help and you have to promsie me you will try and stop sweetie..." he finished, holding her tight and stroking her hair.

Niall: "No sorry, haven't seen the phone. Have you checked Elliot's room?" You ask your husband Niall.
"Okay, i'll check there now. Be back soon!" He says, bounding up the stairs two at a time. He had been in there for a while and just as you were about to get up and follow him when he walked in. A small bag in his hand.
"What's th..." you started but before you could finis you knew exatly what it was, drugs.
"When's he coming home?" Niall aksed and you shrugged before replying
"I don't know, he did go out a while ago though so he shouldn't be to long!" and then, as if on cue, your son Elliot walked through the door. He walked straight to the stairs, not even bithering to say hello to you or Niall.
"In here Elliot!" Niall said and slowly but surely, Elliot's head appeared from behind the door. His jaw dropped a little when he notiied what Niall was holding up.
"Dad..." he said, Niall shook his head and said
"What did we do wrong Elliot? Me and your mother never raised you to be like this, we taught you better! I can't believe you would do this to us..." Elliot just looked at the floor.
"Go upstairs Elliot, me and your mum need to talk about what to do..."

Louis: "Dad have you seen the television remote.." Your daughter Lizzie said as she walked in to the kithen that you and your husband Louis were sitting in. Then she saw what he had, drugs, A bag full of white powder, now scattered on the table. Not just any old drugs, her drugs. Louis was scraping it all into his hand and putting it in the bin.
"HOW VERY DARE YOU!" He roared over her, all she could do was look at the floor.
"DO YOU HAVE AN EXCUSE?" He asked her but yet again, there was no reply and all Lizzie could do was look at the floor and let tears fall from her eyes. "YOU MAY WELL CRY YOUNG LADY, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS DOES? HOW IT AFFETS US?" He carried on shouting, you put your hand on his arm.
"Louis..." You said but he shook you off so you stumbled backwards.
"Get out..." he whispered but somehow it had more force, Lizzie's jaw dropped but she didn't need to be told twice. She sprinted up the stairs and not long after ran out of the door with a bag.
"She's gone to Lola's house..." You told Louis after reading a text you had just received. Louis shook his head and mumbed
"I don't care, just let me calm down"

Liam: He walked into the kitchen, eyes red and face tearstained.
"Liam?" You asked, rushing over to your husband. "What's up?" You asked him and all he could do was put somehting down on the table. It took you a while to realise what it does but when you did you felt like you had been punhed in the guts and you started to cry too, Liam put his hand on your waist and then your son Jack walked in.
"Mum...Dad...What's up?" He said, you pointed to the drugs and it took him a few minutes but he came over to the two of you. "I am so sorry...I promise I'll stop, If you'll help me. It was peer pressure, I never meant to hurt you intentionally!" He mumbled, Liam nodded and let him stad with the two fo you, crying, for the rest of that day Liam googled things that might help Jack and over the few months after that moment Jack eventually managed to quit with Liam's help. Liam vowed never to make his son feel like he needed drugs again.

Zayn: "Oh my god..." Your husband Zayn mumbled as the two of you tried to tidy your daughters room for her to help her find her revision guides.
"What? You found them?" You ask but there's no reply. You have to walk over to where Zayn is standing before you can find out what he had found and it was drugs. Lots of drugs.
"MUM?! DAD?!" you heard a voice squeal from behind you and when you turned around you were face with your daughter Alissa.
"What's this?" Zayn asked. Alissa calmly walked over to her bed before sitting on it and breaking down. Zayn sat next to her and rubbed her back gently.
"I can help you get through this I promise, I don't want you to make these mistakes because if you do the results wont be pretty. I will pay for anything to help you get better no matter what the price is but your my daughter and I have to try and help you at least...Sweetheart, let me help you?" Zayn asked, Alissa finally nodded, tears streaming down her face and Zayn sighed a huge breath of relief.


Tumblr: Harryhasalittlething.tumblr.com


This is appropriate because my preferences are normal ones...just on a high dosage of crack!



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