Happy 4th of July!

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He spends the 4th of July with you~


You and Liam decided to have a little alone time together, before everyone else rushed out to see the fireworks. You and Liam are sitting on the pavement, your head leaning on his shoulder. Out of nowhere, you start to hum 'Firework' by Katy Perry and soon you're both singing it, until it's practically yelling. "...just own the night like the fourth of July. 'CAUSE BABY YOU'RE A FIREWORK!" you yell, making exaggerated gestures as he jumps up and down with you, laughing. Luckily, no one complained since everyone seemed to be in the celebrating spirit too.


You, Zayn and the rest of the group (the boys and their girlfriends) decide to celebrate the day by having a party at the beach. The day is spent swimming and a picnic on nearby grassland. At night, the boys set up a bonfire and you roast marshmellows while Niall plays on his guitar and everyone sings. Louis and Harry pass around sparklers and you try to send messages to Zayn, by 'writing' with them. As it get colder, you cuddle up to Zayn and he grins at you, kissing your forehead. "Happy fourth of July, (Y/N)" he whispers as you hum in response, closing your eyes and smiling.


"Oh god, (Y/N), this tastes so good." he mumbles, his mouth full with mashed potato. Your family was hosting a 4th of July picnic and you invited Niall to join. "Yeah, well it's American mashed potato." you point out. He cocks his head, confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asks. "It means that we add something special to make it taste better." you explain, which confuses him even more. "What is it?" You remain silent for a while, building up his curiosity. You gesture for him to come closer to you, and he does so, thinking it's some secret ingredient. "Freedom." you whisper in his ear, causing him to roll his eyes as you both laugh.


You and Harry were invited to a block party and finding nothing better to do, you both decide to attend. The night is spent with some drinking, meeting new people and a lot of dancing. He carries you out on his back to see the fireworks. You both sit down on the sidewalk, against the wall of the building. "Best fourth of July ever. Absolute best fuc-" you shout out, but Harry quickly covers your mouth with his hand, chuckling and shooshing you. Obviously, you're a bit tipsy by this stage. You lick his hand and he retracts, making a face as you run away and he chases after you.


"I like what you're wearing. It's suits the occasion." you compliment him, observing his choice of clothing: electric blue chinos and his favourite red-striped white shirt. "Thanks babe." he grins, "It took me a long time to pick out." "I'm sure it did." you smile back, giving him a quick kiss. When you arrived at the amusement park, there was already a lot of people. "Let's just walk around." you suggest, as he nods in agreement. Instead of going on the rides, you both just buy food and play stall games. He manages to win you a large teddy bear, which, unfortunately, had to be left on the ground when you both went on the ferris wheel to see the fireworks.


Tumblr: Thedeniallriver.tumblr.com


Happy 4th of July everyone! / HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY y'all! :)

I have a softball game tomorrow at 9:00 am for the State championship...I guess that's what it's called. Lol. The game is about 1-2 hours away so we have to leave my house before 7:00....shoot me in the freaking head.

Have a great day today,



A nice ending for once?

-yep lol


Have a suckish day!!

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