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Austin Mahone Song That Describes Your Relationship~


11:11. He was out with the boys the first time he saw you. He used to listen to this song on repeat at night when he couldn't stop thinking about you. He thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world and wanted nothing more than to have you. Now that you are his this is your song.


Heart In My Hand. He remembers the day he first met you and how he loved you more than anything. He listens to this song Nd remembers the days he danced around with you and would have movie nights with you. He remembers endless hugs and kisses from you as you both had smiles plastered on your faces. He remembers the way you laughed when he tripped and fell and how you were so free spirited. Now as he sits in the hospital room holding your hand as a steady beep is emitted from the machine he lowly sings this. He smiles as a few tears run down his cheeks because he will always have this song, he will always have those memories, and he will always have your love. He holds your five and two year old sons' hands as they try to sing along and choke in the tears. They all smile and watch knowingly; you're wonderful spirit is in heaven. Their hero will always watch them.


Banga Banga. He wants nothing more than to show you a good time. He just wants to see you smile at all times. Carnivals, movie theaters, beach trips, concerts, and amusement parks. He doesn't care if he is miserable because if you're smiling, so is he. He claims you have the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. He just wants you to have a good time with him.


Mmm Yeah. This song reminds you both of when he cockily asked you out and you flat out rejected him. You both laugh when this song comes on because all the boys know the story.


U. This song describes how he can't imagine loving anyone more than he loves you. You are his favorite person ever and he admires you in every way possible.



Suck an egg,


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