Chapter 1: I'm Perspicacious

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Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.

[Y/N]'s PoV

When you were younger you were a member of a government funded secret service where you generally disregarded the law but saved the free world. However when the old head of MI5 was killed in a "freak accident" they elected a replacement to be the overall head of the British Government in all but name. Because it was mostly your team's fault that the old head was killed they decided to stop your organisation's funding, and without money your missions became more and more dangerous and more and more agents were retiring, some in a more permanent way. The new head had the remaining few choose to leave or continue working for the government but with no recognition and very little pay. You and your nemesis (as you like to call him) were the only two who stayed, the others left and were most likely terminated soon afterwards. You continued with this work because you love it whereas your nemesis Ashton probably only stayed because he didn't want to die, considering the fact that he does little field work now and spends most of his days trying to impress your boss.

Your boss sent a car to your house this morning and the chauffeur is now pulling up to you boss' office. He pulls up a bit along the path before the door. Couldn't he have stopped right outside? Now you have to run in the rain! You thank the driver however just to be polite, yet receive no answer. A you're welcome would've been nice I suppose. You get out of the car and walk through the downpour, turning your coat collar up against the wind as you skip up the steps. The door opens as you reach it. Despite the short time spent in the rain your hair and clothes are still drenched. An immaculately dressed lady stands in the empty hallway typing away on a blackberry phone. She looks like an office worker, probably a secretary or something, obviously a high payed job so she works for someone important.
"Can I help you?" she asks, eyeing your sodden appearance which makes you feel even more embarrassed.
"I' here for, a..a national security meeting." You say. You have no idea why you're here, but to must be a matter of  national security. Unless I'm getting sacked.
"This way," she says after a pause. She sets off along a corridor and you follow, trying to straighten your clothes. This is your neatest shirt and blazer outfit but it pales in comparison to this assistant let alone what some of the other people at this meeting will look like.

She opens a door for you to walk through into a meeting room. As you sit down you recognise some of the other faces around the room. There are several ambassadors from the MoD. You also recognised the famous consulting detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr John Watson. I wonder what they're doing here. Hopefully something exciting. Ashton is sat next to the only empty seat. Oh joy!  Stood at the front is the head of the British Government himself. Mycroft Holmes. What a surprise! I'm mean he always turns up somewhere in my life.
"Glad that you could finally join us Miss [Y/L/N]," he says in a bored tone. You clear your throat,
"My apologies sir," you reply. "It won't happen again." He immediately ignores you. As friendly as always, Mr Holmes. He continues discussing the locations of some of Moriarty's old contacts. They begin debating over possible patterns to predict where more of his workers are.
"Loci," Ashton says. "It's a mathematic path formed by a point moving along by a rule. Moriarty was a Mathematics professor so it's the only logical solution." You shake my head. What a load of rubbish. He's trying to sound really smart and impress them all, but he's overthinking it. You glance at the map and immediately know that he's wrong.
"Wrong," you mutter. Both the Holmes brother's eyes flick up towards you. I should of kept my mouth shut. Ashton soon stops talking and shoves the map towards me. Drama queen.
"If your so smart do it yourself," he hisses. You raise my eyebrows at him. Ok, then. Moriarty. He liked riddles, everything he did was a game, he liked puzzling people, he was a person who was clearly a psychopath. Common traits of psychopathy? Obsession, he was completely obsessed with everything Sherlock did. So? Sherlock compared him to a spider in his testimony during his trial for attempting to steal the Crown Jewels. What if he?..  You grab a pencil and go along the points of known contacts creating a web.
"We've been taking our clues too literally," you explain. "Moriarty's criminal web is actually a web. It's set out like one." You slide the map over the table and the Holmes' look over the map. It was very simple actually. Far too simple for them both to puzzle over it for that long. They glance at each other. They know the answer, they were testing us. "But you already knew that, didn't you?" You ask them. Mycroft leans back into his chair as you stare at him.
"You are correct, Miss [Y/L/N]," he says. "Both concerning the map and on how we are in fact aware of these locations and their pattern." He finally looks away from you to address both yourself and Ashton. "You have both proven yourselves to have a reasonable amount of intelligence therefore I am about to give you an assignment." Yes, finally something fun to do! "There is a phone locked in a safe in my study at my London residence," he explains. "Somehow I want either of you to attempt at retrieving said phone and presenting it to me in my living room at 9:00pm. You will be working individually in whatever is your preferred method. Whoever gets there first will take my best offer. The other shall take the lower position. Is that understood?" You both nod.
"Yes sir," you chorus. He glances at you both.
"You are to start immediately," he adds. "You are dismissed." You both stand up and go to leave the room. Ashton goes through the door but when you get to the door you stop near Doctor Watson and ask,
"Doctor Watson when Irene Adler contacted you after her first supposed "death" how did she arrange to meet with you?" His eyes widen in surprise,
"How do you know about that?"
"Yes, how do you know about that Miss [Y/L/N]?" Mycroft adds. You smile,
"It's not classified information, is it? And I enjoy listening, people like to tell me things, I must have that sort of face," you answer. "Now please may you answer my question Doctor Watson?" Everyone turns to him. He clears his throats and says,
"Mycroft's assistant was outside our flat with a car like Mycroft's. She took me to meet her."
"Hmm isn't that interesting Mr Holmes," you say taking her blackberry out of your pocket. You type in the password first try, and scroll through her texts. "It seems your assistant is in regular correspondence with Miss Adler. She's even given her a few tips on what's going on with the "Holmes Boys"." You hand the phone over to him. "I must say, it was rather easy to get into her phone I mean with such an important position you'd think she'd have a more complex password." You smirk, "Or simply one other than 'password'." You can't help but laugh. Some people these days. "I believe it would be a good idea to employ a new assistant, I'm not sure but spying on the British Government is not exactly an attractive feature for an assistant. Do you agree Mr Holmes?" You ask, turning to face him. He looks slightly shocked for a second before he hides it and recovers. At that moment his assistant comes into the room and asks,
"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry for interrupting but I seem to of misplaced my phone. And I was wondering if..." She trails off after noticing her phone in Mycroft's hand. Her eyes widen.
"What interesting conversations you seem to be having with Miss Adler," Mycroft says to her. He turns to me,
"Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention Miss [Y/L/N]. I assume I will see you later today." You nod and smile,
"You assume correctly Mr Holmes, good day." With that you turn and leave the room, outside there's a car waiting to take me home. You slide in, shut the door and lean back into the seat with a sigh.
Well that could of been a lot worse and now you've got work to do.

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