Chapter 30: Bomb Scare

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They all stand up and look towards the kitchen. Beyond all the equipment on the table you can see the top part of the window has been smashed in. From behind the kitchen table, a woman's voice can be heard softly singing, hopefully from a small speaker and not a person.

"I that am lost
Oh, who will find me
Deep down below
The old beech tree?"

That's the song that Eurus was obsessed with. You turn to Mycroft quickly and his face fills with horror. A drone flies up from the floor and hovers across the room towards you.

"Help succour me now
The East Wind's blowing
Sixteen by six, brother
And under we go."

As the drone advances you realise what it is carrying.
"Jesus Christ." You hiss.
"Keep back! Keep as still as you can! [Y/N], stay out of the room." Mycroft orders.
"I'm not leaving you." Nevertheless you take a few steps back. John backs away towards Sherlock's desk,
"What is it?" The speaker carries on playing,

"My soul seeks
The shade of my willow's bloom..."

"It's a drone." Sherlock observes.
"You truly are a genius, Sherly," You quip back.
"Yeah, I can see that." John adds. You glance at Mycroft as the drone continues into the living room, the singing voice droning on unintelligibly. You can see the large grenade-shaped object on top of the drone.
"What's it carrying?" John asks. Sherlock stands close to the fireplace,
"What's that silver thing on top of it?"
"It's a DX-707." You reply from the doorway. The drone hovers in mid-air between the three of them. I doubt it can see me but I daren't risk it.
"I've authorised the purchase of quite a number of these." Mycroft adds. The drone lowers towards the floor.
"Colloquially it is known as the patience grenade." You inform John. The drone lands on the floor as John asks,
"Patience?" The grenade buzzes and the top pops up a little, showing a bright red light shines from the inside of the device. It beeps constantly and quietly.
"The motion sensor has activated. If any of us move, the grenade will detonate."
"How powerful?" Sherlock asks.
"It will certainly destroy this flat and kill anyone in it. Assuming walls of reasonable strength, your neighbours should be safe, but as it's landed on the floor, I am moved to wonder if the café below is open." Mycroft replies.
"It's Sunday morning, so it's closed."
"Is there anything that can turn it off?" You wonder aloud.
"We can't move." Sherlock states.
"Surely it's remote controlled, so it should be possible to remotely turn it off." You reason.
"But how?" Mycroft inquires.
"My phone! It's voice activated so I can make a call from here without moving." You glance over to Sherlock's desk where you placed your phone earlier.
"It'll vibrate when you activate it."
"No it won't, I turned vibrate off the other night, it scares me when I'm asleep." Mycroft quirks an eyebrow at me.
"How brave." You roll your eyes at him,
"Do you all want me to try?"
"We might as well, we've got no other options," John says. You take a deep breath, okay then stay calm,
"Here goes. Hey Siri?" You hiss at your phone. Your heart is pounding and everyone is holding their breath. "Hey Siri?" You repeat a little louder.
"Careful." Mycroft whispers. The screen lights up.
"Call Andrew Stone." The phone rings silently. Thank goodness. After five rings he picks up.
"Andy, hi, [Y/N] here. Could you keep your voice quiet please."
"Um, hi, sure thing. What's going on?" He whispers.
"I'm currently stood in front of a remotely controlled drone which has a DX-707 attached. You wouldn't be able to deactivate it would you?"
"Jesus, [Y/N] you never ask for much do you? What's your location?"
"Baker Street."
"Bloody hell. Give me a second." You look away from the phone, catch Mycroft's eye and give him what you hope is a reassuring smile. He returns the gesture. "Okay [Y/N], I've found the signal they're using and I can shut them out. I'm not sure if that'll turn the whole thing off or what. Thoughts?" You look around at everyone in the room.
"Well gentlemen, it's been an honour."
"Always so dramatic," says Sherlock.
"Says you." John retorts. Mycroft just keeps his eyes on you.
"Ready?" You ask. Mycroft nods at you,
"Go for it."
"Andrew, cut the signal."
"Will do." Sherlock and John both stare at the bomb, but you don't look away from Mycroft and he doesn't look away from you. You all prepare for the worst when a high pitched wail comes from the bomb. That can't be good.
"Everyone out, now!" Sherlock yells. Him and John dive for the windows. Mycroft runs for the door grabbing you on the way and you both tumble down the stairs. You collapse at the bottom, a tangle of limbs. You cling to Mycroft and he stays on top of you as you brace yourselves for the explosion.

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