Chapter 7: New Baby

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Sherlock walks over to the mantelpiece and stabs a pile of letters,
"If this gets any better, I'm gonna get two knives."
"Knock yourself out, Sherly," you sigh. John's typing away on his laptop, updating his blog most likely.
"It pays to advertise," John says as if he was reading your mind. Sherlock sits down in his chair, looking at his phone. Mary is stood near the window, rubbing her baby bump. She turns to face us all,
"So, what about Moriarty, then?"
"Ooh, I have a plan," Sherlock explains. "I'm going to monitor the underworld – every quiver of the web will tell me when the spider makes his move." Your phone buzzes and when you look at it it's a twitter alert.
"#221Bringit. Really?" you ask him. He shrugs, smirking.
"Basically your 'plan' is just to sit there solving crimes like you always do," John says.
"Awesome isn't it!?" He answers.
"Incredible Sherly, you really are a genius." You tell him.

And we follow this 'plan'. Case after case. 'Dusty Death', 'The Duplicate Man', 'The Circus Torso', 'The Canary Trainer', 'The Cardiac Arrest'. You'd think John would run out of creativity to think of all these incredible titles.

Then something unexpected happens after one of these incredible cases. You, Sherlock, and John walk up the stairs giggling.
"A jellyfish!?" John asks.
"I know." Sherlock laughs.
"You can't arrest a jellyfish!"
"Well you could try."
"We did try," you remind him. John's phone pings. Sighing, he takes it from his pocket as you all reach the landing. He looks at the screen.
"Oh God." Sherlock looks up,
"Fifty nine missed calls."
"We're in a lot of trouble."
"I second that." You add. You all rush down the stairs.

Not long afterwards, Mary is in the back seat of her car nearly having a baby.
"Ow! Oh my God. Oh my God!" She screams. She presses both her hands against the roof. From the driver's seat, John keeps looking back worriedly, I can't think why though,
"Relax," he says. "It's got two syllables-"
"I'm a nurse, darling. I think I know what to do." She answers.
"Come on then, come on."
"-lax." She writhes in her seat.
"No, just drive! Please, God, just drive! God, drive!" She screams. Sherlock is sat in the middle, typing away at his phone and is squishing me against the side of the car.
"Sherlock. Mary!" John calls. Sherlock sighs,
"That's it, Mary. Re-"
"Don't you start."
"Sherlock." You warn, a woman having a baby should not be tried with.
"-lax." Moments later his face is squashed hard against the side window as she slams her hand against his head. Now let's all remember that I'm in between him and the side window.
"For God's sake Sherlock!" You yell at him.
"John?" She's now clinging onto Sherlock's head. Go for it Mary, rip his hair out. "John, I think you have to pull over."
"Mary, Mary-"
"Pull over!" She cries.
You and Sherlock look down towards Mary's legs and your mouths fall open and your eyes widen in horror. I'm not even going to describe what I'm seeing.
"Oh my God." Mary screams even more. I think I've lost the ability to scream. John glances over his shoulder and starts to pull the car over as Mary continues to scream.

After the horrors of childbirth you're all sat in John and Mary's house. Mary and John are sitting on the settee, Mary cradling their new baby girl. John has his arm around Mary and they both smile as they pose for the photograph. Standing at the other side of the table, Molly is drinking from a glass of champagne and Mrs Hudson is trying to take the photo with her camera.
"Has that come out?" She studies the screen on her camera. "They never come out when I take them!"
"Let's have a look," Molly says. Mrs Hudson turns to look at the baby,
"Aww. She's so beautiful." Molly fiddles with the camera and then hands it back,
"Have another go."
You and Sherlock are stood a short distance away, and he's engrossed with his phone. Mrs Hudson asks Mary and John,
"What about a name?"
"Catherine." John answers.
"Uh, yeah, we've gone off that." Mary adds.
"Have we?"
"Yeah." You smile at them both.
"Oh." He responds. Sherlock speaks, not looking up from his phone,
"Well, you know what I think."
"It's not a girl's name!" John and Mary answer simultaneously. You smirk and so does Sherlock, his eyes still fixed on his phone. John then says,
"Molly, Mrs H. We would love you to be godparents."
"Oh!" Molly laughs in surprise.
"If you-"
"Really?" She asks.
"So lovely," Mrs Hudson says. John stands up and Molly goes to the settee to sit down next to Mary. John walks over towards me and Sherlock who is texting still.
"And uh-" John starts. "-you too, Sherlock and [Y/N]?"
"You too what?" Sherlock asks.
"Godparents? You two? We'd like you to be Godparents."
"John you've just met me." You say.
"And? Someone'll have to keep the Godfather in line." He nods towards Sherlock and you smile at that.
"God is a ludicrous fiction dreamt up by inadequates who abnegate all responsibility to an invisible magic friend." Sherlock says.
"Yeah, but there'll be cake. Will you do it?" Cake? I'm sold.
"I'll get back to you." You nudge him,
"He means thank you. And so do I. Thank you John."

A Few Weeks Later...

"Father, we ask you to send your blessings on this water and sanctify it for our use this day, in Christ's name," the vicar begins. Mary and John are stood near him, Mary's cradling their baby. You, Greg, Mrs Hudson, Sherlock and Molly are at the other side of the font. Sherlock is still busy on his phone. People these days obsessed with their technology. "Now, what name have you given your daughter?" John and Mary smile at each other before Mary turns and answers,
"Rosamund Mary." Sherlock frowns and looks up from his phone,
"Means 'rose of the world.' Rosie for short." Molly tells him quietly. Sherlock goes back to his phone.
"Didn't you get John's text?" She asks him.
"No. I delete his texts. I delete any text that begins, 'Hi.'" She raises her eyebrows.
"No idea why people think you're incapable of human emotion." Mrs Hudson clears her throat. "Sorry."
"Phone." You whisper pointedly at Sherlock. Sherlock lowers the phone and puts his hands behind his back. The vicar now has hold of Rosamund,
"And now, godparents-" You can hear Sherlock typing behind his back, and you elbow him. "-are you ready to help the parents of this child in their duties as Christian parents?"
"We are." Me, Molly and Mrs Hudson answer. Molly elbows Sherlock. Behind his back, we all hear Siri,
"Sorry, I didn't catch that." You sigh. John and Mary stare at Sherlock. "Please repeat the question." Oh, Sherly.

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