Chapter 16: Sickness

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As Mycroft walks into your room the first thing he notices is the wide open window bringing in a harsh, cold breeze. His attention is then brought to you. You're sat in your chair at your desk with your head resting on the desk amongst piles of papers. He makes his way across the room, closes the window then attempts to wake you. When his fingers first touch your arm he is shocked at how cold your skin is. He then moves towards your head and he brushes the back of his hand against your forehead, a temperature no doubt. He nudges you gently,
"[Y/N]? [Y/N], dear. Wake up." Your eyelids open heavily.
"Mycroft?" You whisper, hoarsely. Her throat is clearly swollen. You sniffle. A runny nose too.
"Come on, dear." He slides his arm under your legs and scoops you up. You immediately curl yourself closer into his chest. He walks down the hallways with you in his arms until he reaches his bedroom. He lays you down and folds the covers over your body. You still shiver regularly. Mycroft turns to leave but you hold onto his wrist,
"Myc, stay with me? I'm cold." He sighs, takes his jacket and shoes off before slipping under the quilt next to you. Straightaway you curl up next to him. He pulls your head onto his shoulder and strokes your hair. A maid comes in with a cup of tea and places it on the side drawer before leaving. Mycroft picks up the cup and encourages you to have a drink,
"Come now darling, even a sip will help." Which it will, as long as the sedative works. You follow his advice but wince even after a small swallow.
"It huts Myc."
"I know dear, I know." After a few sips you start yawning.
"So tired." You whisper.
"Get some sleep, dear."

The next morning you wake up in Mycroft's arms. Your throat still sore and your nose blocked. When you first start to sniff Mycroft hands you a tissue which you use in the unpleasant business of blowing your nose with. He strokes your hair softly.
"How are you feeling?"
"Not great." He leans over to look at the clock. 5:36 am.
"Going back to sleep any time soon?"
"I doubt it." You both sit up against the headboard. You lean your head on Mycroft's shoulder. Your eyes are half closed sleepily.
"I have to go to work soon." Mycroft says.
"Me too."
"No you will not, you are ill and in no fit state to work."
"But Mycroft!" You whine as Mycroft gets out of the bed and begins to put his shoes and jacket back on.
"No buts."
"I'll be bored all day!"
"Then go to sleep."
"All day? I struggle to sleep most nights let alone during the day, and when I'm ill."
"I'm sure you'll manage." You scowl at him. He smiles at you and you can't help but smile back. "I'll be off then." You sigh,
"Bye Mycroft, have fun at work. If you need any emails or stuff doing please send them to me." He nods then moves to the side of the room picks up a laptop.
"Here." He places it on your lap. "It's brand new, password protected, I've already uploaded all your things." You smile,
"Thanks." He smiles back,
"I'll see you later, okay?"
"Bye." With that Mycroft walks out, gets in one of his car's and gets driven to work.

Throughout the day Mycroft sent you things to stop you from getting bored, from emails that need writing, cases of Sherlock's, and even silly little riddles. You texted each other constantly.

Within a few days you made a full recovery from your cold. Unfortunately Mycroft caught the very same cold not long after.
"I'm fine!" He says, trying to get to the doorway.
"No you are not! Mycroft Arthur Siger Holmes you'd better get your sick butt up to bed before I drag you there."
"You wouldn't dare." You cross your arms,
"Wouldn't I? Oh no, your bodyguard will stop me. Oh wait a second! I am your bodyguard." You take his arm and guide him towards the stairway. As you reach the door to Mycroft's bedroom you slip his coat off and snatch his umbrella. He opens the door and walks over to the bed where he collapses. You smile,
"If you get bored my laptop is over there. Guess the password. I'll be downstairs in your office." You walk down the stairs and into Mycroft's office. Sitting down on the chair, you spin around a few times before unlocking the drawer you'd stolen the key for and taking out Mycroft's laptop. Password protected. I'll have to guess it.
When you finally get into the laptop there's an email from Mycroft sent from your laptop,
MH: 'Quite a predictable password, [Y/N]. Not as bad as Anthea's but still it took me 3 minutes.' You send a reply,
[Y/I]: 'Quite a predictable password yourself, Mycroft. Umbrella19071986. Really?'
MH: 'How did you guess the numbers?'
[Y/I]: 'It's your birthday, one of the most obvious guesses.'
MH: 'I didn't think you'd know that.'
[Y/I]: 'Well I do, the question is do you know mine?'
MH: '24th of December 1992. 9:47pm. Weighed 5 pounds 6 ounces. Malton Community Hospital in North Yorkshire.'
[Y/I]: 'This started as just general knowledge that best friends know about each other. You have now mentioned things not even my Dad remembers. This is verging onto stalkishness.'
MH: 'Is that even a word?'
MH: 'Of course I know more things than your Father.'
MH: 'No offence was intended towards your Father.'
MH: 'Are you ignoring me?'
MH: 'Did you just call me your best friend?'
MH: 'You are most definitely ignoring me.'
[Y/I]: 'God you're so clingy Mycroft!'
[Y/I]: 'Of course you're my best friend.'
[Y/I]: 'Great! Now you're ignoring me!'
MH: 'I can tolerate your presence in my life more than most people as well.' You smile to yourself at that.
[Y/I]: 'Thank you Mycroft, I am taking that as a compliment.'
MH: 'You should.'
MH: 'Because I won't say it again.'
[Y/I]: 'We'll see.'
With that you turn to the piles of Mycroft's work and begin sorting it all out. You spend the entire day making sure that Mycroft won't have any work to do, should he come downstairs. Although if you said that you worked constantly and weren't at all distracted by a certain government official you'd be lying.

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