Chapter 1

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Here I Go. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. It had been five years since I took it in my arms..admiring it..caressing it..stroking it..I couldn't believe it, it was happening. I took my guitar and stood in front of the little audience assembled in the pub. I am not kidding about the audience; it consisted of an Asian looking guy who was almost passed out on the liquor table, some rock star guy who seemed to be in his 80s, Jack the pub owner and Li (Lindsay in full she hates it by the way) . That ladies and gentlemen was my audience oh and Tommy the garbage eater..he smiled toothlessly and waved from the window, I just smiled back. Then looked at Li for moral support and she stood up hurriedly and screaming, 'we love you you little guitar moron', yap that was the average Li for you, she just couldn't praise you all the way but I didn't need her to, what she said was enough for me. 'I never knew love till I saw you..I was never imprisoned till I met you..I never wept till I lost you..' By the time I finished my last note and I plucked the last string to the rhythm my little audience was well, moved. The Asian guy was crying loudly in one of the corners near the liquor table, The 80 year old rock star was hitting the wall with empty beer bootles crying why,jack was staring into space clearly nostalgic and the garbage eater? He had actually opened the pub door and entered in which he never done before, He hates enclosed places..don't ask me why. Li was just smiling, no don't think she wasn't moved because she rarely smiles..she claims its for the weak species, don't ask me about that either. I bowed a little bit too graceful for my unfinished jeans and titanic t- shirt. I know am a hopeless romantic. I mean that's what your thinking right? Not even in the slightest. I just enjoy the music and moving people. Actually from my robust set up you could hardly place me as one. Li came over and yanked me from the stage totally snapping my ego into two but who would have minded. Her hazel eyes shone with admiration, her dirty blonde hair hanging far from her shoulders and her rosy lips shielding her egg white teeth..she indeed was beautiful but never thought herself so..feminity was weakness..thus sweatpants and sweatshirts were her life. 'Diam boy for an ass you move hearts, I almost thought Mr garbage eater would actually eat food rynnao' I laughed at her tried out compliment and put my hand around her. 'How about celebrating tonight huh, chicklit and pizza?' For a tomboy she loved chicklits.

I woke up next to Li who was snoring so badly my eardrums hurt. I carefully put her arm away from my neck fearing an injury, for a girl she was pretty strong. I went to the bathroom mirror and looked amusedly at my reflection, five years had made me harder, my features had always been alluring, turquoise eyes with jet black hair and a muscular build, i had acquired an amount of skin tan for the five years that I had not been myself...years that I would preferably love to erase from my memory but everyone has his own demons, mine were just more gruesome than others and I had learnt to face them. Though I was afraid one day they would swallow me as a whole.

Li started stirring from her sleep no doubt wanting to punch me right in the nuts for waking up 'before the worms' as she'd put it. In her opinion the early bird from the layman's saying wouldn't be able to catch worms which would sleep in. I mean who could argue with that logic? Chuckling at her angry expression I swiftly went to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of chicklits as a peace offering.
"Heads up Li!" Throwing her a pack of yummy goodness at her while ducking as she threw a pillow at me. That girl was too aggressive for her gender. Li narrowed her eyes at me as if wishing she had Superman's ability to shoot rays with them. Its a tough world my little warrior.
"You know Pha, you owe me a story, actually if I remember correctly you have been owing me a story for a month now. So since you happen to be a morning person, how about sharing it?" An evil smirk made its way onto her mouth as she sat up her eyes full of excitement. So this is what happens when you make a deal with the devil huh? Sighing I went over to her and ruffled her hair messily. Maybe it was time I shared my demons with a person who was actually a true friend of mine.
"No judging?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"Pinky promise!" Li said forming a cute baby face. "You know for a minute there you actually looked like a girl." I said holding back a chuckle. She shot me a glare for a brief moment then sat in an attentive position. Well I had hoped her hate for girly comments would get me out of this but what the heck, it was about time.

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