Chapter 30

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Pharell's POV
"P-pharell you don't know how long I've been waiting to hear your voice." I had to pinch myself to ensure that this was actual reality. I didn't need to, the moment I flexed my knuckles I felt the soreness bringing me back to reality which begged the question; how was it that Jasmine was able to speak to me right at this moment? Had she always had the ability to contact me yet she withdrew from some selfish reason? Had her betrayal been real after all? I wanted to ask all of these questions but only one rolled out of my tongue, "Is my h-he alive?" The words choked in my throat as I fell tears sting in my eyes. Samantha had been right, I had to know for sure.
"Hold on a minute my love." I stiffened at her words of affection, she spoke to me as if I hadn't gone to prison and mentally driven my life over the edge because of her. I wasn't ready to saddle the horse back on and act like it didn't happen. I had stood there watching her in confusion that fateful night, it was when I had seen her with Richard that the betrayal had painfully sunk in. Maybe she had been forced to falsely accuse me but still she had withheld the truth of having my son from me when I thought I had lost it all.

There was whispering in the background that I couldn't clearly make out, was Jasmine messing around with me? Was this another ploy of Richard's? I was about to retort an outburst of all the emotions and questions that were coursing through my veins when I held my tongue against my own will at the new voice that spoke through the phone.
"Daddy? Is it true your my daddy? Why aren't you here with me and mommy? Don't you love us?" A mixture of emotions hit me all at once as I felt my knees weaken. I was talking to my son. It was actually happening, my son was alive and boy was he smart for an almost four year old! I couldn't form a word to tell him as he bombarded me with questions. Tears freely cascaded down my cheeks, no not tears of sadness, tears of utter joy. My son was alive and he was already calling me daddy. I stuttered a few incoherent words in response to his questions. All I wanted to tell him was that I loved him, I loved him so much. As I was forming these words, a voice from the background spoke.I couldn't decipher him clearly but panic could be heard in his voice.
"Give me the phone Junior, say goodbye to daddy."
"Bye daddy." I whispered a goodbye and I love you to my son hoping he had heard it.
"I love you too daddy."
The words took me by surprise as I made a silent promise to see him. I had to meet him, I just had to. Jasmine's voice was back on the phone but this time she spoke quickly and more urgently.
"Pharell, Richard knows we have escaped. His men are already looking for us. We can no longer come to where you are in New York. You have to come and get us in Miami Pharell. Its about time you come home-" The line suddenly went dead and I redialled the same number but it didn't go through. Richard had probably started tracking down the cell phone. He had enough power to do so. Richard didn't even reside in New York yet he had managed to kill Li and Jefferson right in the city. It shouldn't come as a surprise though, most of his operations were conducted in New York, he had even managed to strap a body bomb which was too advanced for the bomb squad to defuse on Samantha. It wouldn't be long until he found them, unless I got to them first.

I had gotten lost inside my own thoughts oblivious of my surroundings. When I finally let go of the phone and turned to see what was going on I was surprised that both the detective and Samantha were seated staring right at me. Somehow the sofa which had always been far off near the wall of the living room had been carried to the middle of the room and now was occupied by Brian who was holding a pack of ice against his swollen face and Samantha who was analysing me. The sofa never left its position because Li and I always brought out the mattress from my room and put it on the floor in the living room. From the moment she had decided to bunk with me, hence becoming her roommate since I couldn't afford a place to live, we had been sleeping on the floor. The reason had been simple, I had constant nightmares and Li was an insomniac. We always talked until I slept then she would follow suit around three am. I would wake up from my nightmare early in the morning and would end up waking her up too. She hated me in the mornings because she always slept in due to her lack of sleep at night. I absent mindedly looked towards the drawer in the kitchen area which would usually be stacked with chiklits to bribe Li with when she'd be upset at my waking her up. I still couldn't come to terms with her death, I missed her.

It was Samantha's hand on mine that broke me from my reminiscing. She had somehow woken up from her position and was now holding my hand to comfort me. Its then that I noticed I was crying, again. I was an emotional wreck. I led her to the sofa, her hand now in mine. The detective flinched when I sat next to him. I offered him an apologetic smile which to my surprise he returned. Samantha just stared between the two of us in awe. Is this how men settked their squabbles? I could see the gears in her head turning. I hadn't spoken much during the phone call but they could tell my mood had changed.

"My son is alive. Jasmine has him and they somehow escaped the mansion. I need to get go Miami and see to their safety before Richard gets to them first." It took a moment for the two to digest the information.
"What if its another ploy? Maybe Richard wants to lure you out to Miami to finish you off." I considered the detective's question. If Richard wanted me dead, he would have killed me by now. "I don't think so, Jasmine sounded genuine. I heard my son's voice Brian, I have to see him." Brian nodded at my words, he understood.
"How exactly are you planning to save them? Richard has a lot of connections. Isn't that the reason why you initially didn't fly to Miami to rescue them?"
I looked over at Samantha's questioning hazel eyes who clearly was against my idea. I was one man against a powerful war lord, I couldn't blame her worrying over this factor. She had almost been blown into pieces the other day just because she had been seen with me and deemed to be close to me.
"Jasmine escaped the mansion, I am assuming she had help at this point because she has no knowledge of driving a car and yet she was in one. She managed to get my son into safety and somehow he is not dying anymore. I didn't ask but from how she spoke, I could tell he is in good health. But her escape would go in vain if I don't help her. They are no longer inside a fortress, there in Miami at large. I could save them despite Richard's minions crawling the city." My own words filled me with determination as Samantha nodded, I would go back to Miami and I would face my demons.

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