Chapter 20

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Richard's POV
"What do you mean the girl is not dead?" I angled my head to face one of my minions who was giving me the status report regarding Pharell's latest message. I was lying on my stomach on my massage table in the relaxing room. My massusse was  Japanese and her fingers were nothing but magical. I sure hoped that she was just as good in bed...
"Sir, the mole from the FBI agency informed us that the new model body bomb was defused before the time elapsed." I roughly sat upright picking my robe as I stepped down the table. I glared at my massusse who got the hint and hurriedly scurried away from the room, leaving me with my informant.
"How? Not even the Russians were able to defuse my new toy bomb! I saw it myself in action. Not even when the time was two hours were they able to defuse it. So how?"
I was clearly getting riled up by this information. The only way I could get Pharell to work faster was if I show him that I was hell bent on getting that key. Even if it meant killing everyone he had come into contact with. I had found out from my sources about this girl, Samantha was her name. She was the twin sister of the girl I had killed to get Pharell my message. I thought since he hadn't acted upon it, why not use this girl? It would be like déjà vu with the other one and well more fun for me.
"The man, Pharell he figured away on how to defuse it. My mole says he kissed her."
I furrowed my eye brows in confusion. This was beginning to sound absurd. How does a kiss stop a bomb from going off? I would ask my scientists. I could not have my toy bomb being taken off the market. The only reason it was out in the market for war lords was because of it's indefeasibility. Pharell protects and fights for what he loves. Could the young lad have developed some sort of affection for this particular twin?
"And where is Pharell now?" I asked.
"He is at the hospital where the girl's mother is being taken care of."
So instead of rushing to find the key after finding out he had a son and that I was threatening to kill him and that possibly Jasmine, the love of his life hadn't betrayed him at all, he is at the hospital with the girl? Certainly Pharell needed to be reminded of his priorities. Though the thought of him not loving my favorite toy was pleasing. Jasmine's heart would break into pieces and I would swoop in and make her mine. Of course after killing the two males in her life holding her back. But unlike Pharell I knew my priorities. Power then love and later heir to my throne.
"Send a message to Pharell. He needs his priorities straightened out for him. " I told my minion giving him further instructions of how the message will be. I was getting impatient and so were the investors. They had so much as dared to give me a deadline. So me being me, I will also put pressure on my dear dead best friend's son. It's a pity how their bloodline will die under my hand. Actually a bit poetic. I told my minion to tell my massusse to come back in the room. Stripping off my robe I smiled as I thought of how soon I will have the most powerful thing in my hands.

Jasmine's POV
I heard the door open and moved my son behind me. Couldn't I just spend more time with him? He was my son! All of this wasn't fair. Had my mother brought me into this world to lose everything I hold dear. My heart beat evened as I saw Jose come down the stairs. He was the one always secretly bringing Junior to me when Richard was away or too busy to notice anything. I would eternally be grateful to him. The look on his face made my insides twist. What was the matter? Had Richard found out about my secret meetings with Junior? If so, Jose wouldn't be here, he would be dead. The door opened again and three more men entered the room.
"You sure brought him down here fast eh?" One of them said. I was roughly moved aside as Junior was taken from behind me. One man held me back as Junior was roughly thrown on the bed by another. By this time he had started crying loudly calling out my name.
"What is wrong with you! What are you doing with my son! Let him go or Richard will have your heads!" I screamed in exasparation but my words had fallen onto dead ears. The other one who was not holding us reached out in his pockets and removed an i-phone. What the hell was going on? I looked pleadingly towards Jose not caring if it meant blowing his cover. He had his head down not meeting my eyes. Junior's cries grew louder. The man holding him had some sort of...oh no! I used my head to hit the man holding me then used my foot to step on his toes. He let out a yelp as I launched fully towards my son. Before I could do anything else, a gunshot blared through the room.
"Move and I blast your son's head into pieces." Jose was eyeing me with so much venom I froze on the spot. I had actually believed he was a good man, that he would help me. He had helped me see my son for years when Richard had taken him from my arms. I backed away defeated. Junior had frozen upon hearing the gun shot. His turquoise eyes were fixed on me begging for me to pull him away from these strange men. Tears cascaded down my cheeks helplessly.
"I'm so sorry son." I whispered in between my cries. The man proceeded to inject my son with the needle he was holding while the other took some sort of video of it. I screamt loudly hoping that thry woukd atkeadt have pity on me. What kind of monsters were these? He was only a child! "Take me instead, inject me!" They continued to ignore me.The man holding the phone then put the camera to face him.
"Tick tock Pharell. Your son's life is in your hands. He has been injected with the spinal chord poison which will start eating away in his bones immediately. Within forty eight hours before his birthday, he will be dead, dying a slow painful death. Yes you have guessed right, you now have less than two days to find me the key in exchange for an antidote that will return every bone structure including his spinal chord to normal. This is due yo your delay to my warnings. Tick tock Pharell." The man then shoved the camera into my son's face one last time. He hadn't stopped crying. I could feel myself weakening as he was lifted up by the man and carried away from the room. All the men left and Jose gave me one last look before climbing the stairs.
My son would die. Richard wouldn't save his life. The spinal chord would take time but it will kill him. I knew he wouldnt feel as much pain but he would still end up dead! And his bones which were still forming could even give out before forty eight hours. I dropped down to the floor my legs not being able to hold me anymore.
I had only one hope left.
"Where are you Pharell?"

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