Chapter 3

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Pharell's POV
"Who exactly are you to my daughter?" I shifted uncomfortably under Mr Jefferson's intense gaze. He had this way about him that made you want to turn into vapour. I basically felt like a sixteen year old who had been caught making out with his daughter. "I'm her roommate. " I answered not quite meeting his eyes. He scoffed at my statement and I knew exactly what he was thinking. I was banging his daughter. The thought made me want to burp. Li would go insane over this assumption. She had never talked about her parents and I had never asked. Though this man in front of me didn't exactly pass off as father of the year to me. But I had to call somebody and Melissa her co-worker at the lady's gym and spa had told me to call a number Li had put down as a family member. Well it turned out to be her dad and he wasn't too pleased with the call. In fact he had refused to come until I told him that Li was in a comma. So I was curious and had stretched the truth a little, bite me. Li surely would.

I had panicked after she drifted into unconsciousness and had immediately called 911. They were sending paramedics but boy were they taking long. So I did the next logical thing; ran all the way to the hospital. Now that I thought about it I should have just taken a taxi. Well I was going for a run anyway. What I couldn't figure out was who stabbed her. Had she been mugged? Randomly attacked? Someone wanted to hurt her? My defensive side came out rather strongly as I felt my knuckles harden. No one hurts my Li.

Lindsay's POV
I woke up to the sound of ekg beeping. I forced my brain to give me the events that had transpired earlier.  A hospital is not a place I tend to end up in. I'm usually pretty able to take care of myself. A sharp pain erupted from my back that made me want to scream for my ancestors. It all came rushing back. I was walking out of the apartment... then I rounded a corner to grab a latte at Mario's for breakfast...then I was stabbed. Yes I remembered, I remember the face of my stabber and the message he sent me to deliver to Pharell.
Quickly grabbing the hospital beeper, I started pressing the red button with all the strength I could master. If I didn't tell him soon he would end up...
'Miss Jefferson we are here, what is the problem? Give her a dose of methyldone 100cc." A kind looking doctor together with a nurse at tow entered my room to attend to my needs. I tried to open my mouth in order to tell them that I didn't need medicine I needed to see Pharell. By the time I started forming a sentence, the drug they had dosed me with took over my will as I drifted off to dream land uttering only one name, "Pharell".

Pharell's POV
"Who is Pharell?" A tall doctor with an English accent came into the waiting room with a quizzical look. I was nervous to hear the condition Li was in. I had purposely lied to her father so he could haul his ass to the hospital. I didn't quite know how she was, I just hoped it wasn't a comma. Acknowledging his question I stood up and walked up to him. I seemingly threw an eye towards Mr Jefferson who was busy typing away in his I -phone. For a father he couldn't give squat about what was happening to his daughter. I regretted calling him here in the first place. It just reminded me of my old man. Fists balled at this thought, I strained to straighten it in order to shake the doctors hand.
"Miss Lindsay was awake a couple of minutes ago-"
"Is she okay? Can I see her?" I asked glad that my little warrior had fought her battle and won.
"No, we did a scan in her back and found out that the knife which had penetrated her back had hit her spinal chord and there is-" The doctor scratched the back of his head and furrowed his eyebrows... He looked confused, like he was trying to figure out something. "Doctor, what is it?"  I asked anxiously, my patience starting to run out.
" This particular knife was poisoned. It is a particular type that affects the spinal chord. Well usually its not easily detectable but due to  Miss Lindsay's history of physical abuse..." The doctor's words trailed off as a code red was sent off throughout the hospital. A nurse's voice was heard booming from a device held by the doctor. "Room 346, patient suffering a severe convulsion, patient is Miss Lindsay Terrance."
The conversation was soon forgotten as the doctor sprinted towards Li's room. I quickly followed him wanting to see for myself what had happened. The words of the doctor swam around my head. " The knife was poisoned...its a particular poison, affects the spinal chord, physical abuse..." Physical abuse? My anger bubbled as I mentally kicked myself. I had invited a man who was possibly responsible for Li's hard upbringing.
"Sorry, you can't be in here Sir." Knowing the words were meant for me I grudgingly headed back to the waiting room. "Sir I said you leave." I turned my head ready to give the nurse a snappy comment only to come face to face with the animal who claimed to be Li's dad. Forgetting the place I was in I balled my fist and launched at him only to be stopped by a male nurse pushing a stretcher. Taking advantage of the distraction, Mr Jefferson headed towards the exit. I was about to follow him when I heard the doctor calling. The look on his face made me stop in my tracks.
I knew what he was about to say before he even said it.
"I'm sorry Mr Pharell, Miss Lindsay is dead."

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