Am i?

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Am I wasting my time-

I've done art for years

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I've done art for years.
I post and see if people will come and like it.... but no one comes around. When you notice someone that just started and you've been on an account for a long time and nobody has come while the newbie gets so much love because their art seems better than yours.
Honestly I try to impress my followers
But it really never seems to work anymore.
I don't get shoutouts
I don't get help with anything but roleplays.
I'm basically supporting on my own and it feels like when I try something new it ends up garbage like my originals. I'm sorry that you see me saying this but- it's true I wanna know what I can do so all of you like it instead of the awesome watchers that's been on my side.

I love you all

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