Chapter 14

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* Chris pov *

This bitch really is tight as fuck like hoe you started all of this and when I finish it you wanna be all big angry ole funky ass bitch anyway I walked outside and got in the car with jaay oops I mean jaylen and she a very worried look on her face " Whats wrong babe " i ask her making her face me.. " Look I know your gonna think im crazy for saying this but I'm not ... Jaay has mixed personalities " well duh you see how she bullied me and tried to fuck me at the same time weird bitch.. " she has another side to her worse then how she is now.. and we really hurt her and I might've said that I was helping her by fucking you and you never wanted her because you didn't and I guess that kinda hit a nerve again and i just don't think we should even go to school i think we should just move away for a while " she says fast turning red " haze is fucking crazy " I just stare at her tilting my head yes this bitch has gone fucking crazy " who the fuck is haze?" " muthafucka haze is jaay jaay is haze and haze is out of control me and you don't want that you think she is evil now? Oh bitch haze is crazy " she says covering her face throwing her head back " you are really overreacting len come on before we're late " she just stares at me tilting her head " look I Like you and all but if I see her I'm leaving yo ass " I just shake my head and get in the drivers seat pushing her in the passengers I start the car and head to school fucking lunatic When I get to school jaylen scary ass refused to get out the car " nigga I'm always the one to stop her and calm her down now im the one she wants to kill who got time to die ? Not my sexy young black gay ass nope not I " I can't help but laugh my ass off she then tilts her head looking at me like I have shit on my face " it's not fucking funny chris " I continue to laugh as I walk away from the car and into the building we were clearly late as fuck nobody was in the hallway when I walk into my first period no one was in there either what the fuck they're probably having a meeting in the cafeteria or gym I start walling towards it and I hear foot steps behind me " Hey chris " I stop in my tracks as I hear her soft voice go through my ears " oh so you wanna talk to me no-" I quiver ass I turn around to see her right infront of me staring at me with her eyes with nothing but hatred in them she backs me up against the locker and just runs her cold finger tips across my face " Jaay I'm sor- " she puts her finger up making me stop talking " I've missed you chris the way you taste " she grips my neck as i try to look everywhere but her and makes me look back into her dark brown eyes that now hold no emotion " your moan .. mm especially how wet you get for me I bet you wet for daddy now huh ? " she grips my neck tighter but not to tight to hurt me but tight enough to turn me on " I asked you a question babygirl you wet for daddy ? You want me to see for my self you want me to slide my hand in your boxers and play with your pussy ? You want me to slide my fingers in between your slit and deep inside of you baby ? " I practically melt at her words I'm soaking right now " J-a-ay " my voice comes out shaky and she smirks " what baby ? Huh what you want me now ? Huh chris " I slightly nod shutting my eyes " speak the fuck up babygirl " she yells " yes daddy I want you " she smiles big and grabs my ass coming closer " well thats to bad babygirl you have jaylen remember ? You have fucking jaylen " she lets me go and I wanted to break down right there how the fuck she make me forget about everything in those 2 minutes we were fucking talking .. I start to walk away from her and she grips my wrist " but soon you'll have nothing like me and you'll want me more than fucking ever " she stops and starts laughing " and i guess it starts now " when she lets me go I bump into Jaylen with a hurt look on her face and jaay laughs harder then ever " jaay im so sorry wait i mean jaylen " jaay is practically in tears " I guess she didn't want you either sis huh ? See in these type of situations we would come to each other right? But how does it feel to not have anyone by your side ?" Shut the fuck up jaay who is she with ? Me right im not gonna give up on her because you're playing fucking mind games with her " she smiles devishly at jaylen " I guess " " Come the fuck on Chris " jaylen screams at me and she clearly done Lost her fucking marbles so guess what the fuck I did? I got my scary ass up and latched on her ass like a leach cuz no .... " well someone is angryyy" jaay says walking away

What have I got myself into ?

Hmmm what do you guys think about haze ?

What Do you think will happen next ?

I didn't read over this so eh sorry for mistakes babys 🤦🏾‍♀️❤🤗☹️

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