Chapter 4: Shore Leave

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    "How'd it go?"

    "What happened?"

    "Where are you stationed?"

    "Alright, alright, calm down everyone," Kirk shouted over the noise. Rev glanced at him and nodded, signaling that it was okay for him to tell the waiting crew.

    "Zhi'Rev has been promoted to Commander--" there was a loud outbreak of noise, which quickly died down "-- and has been stationed on the U-S-S ENTERPRISE."

    The crew broke out in another lapse of noise, this time filled with people celebrating and clapping. Rev nodded at them all, then stepped off the landing pads, falling into step besides Uhura.

    "Congratulations, Commander."

    "Thank you, Nyota."

    "I am very glad you have been stationed aboard the ENTERPRISE. You are a wonderful person to have around."

    "Thank you, Lieutenant. And I am very glad as well."

    The crowd dispersed as they entered the hallway leading to Rev's rooms. Stopping in front of her door, Rev turned around and gave Uhura a rare smile.

    "I'm a Commander, Uhura."

    Uhura grinned, and Rev disappeared inside.

    As soon as she sat down on her bed, an announcement rung out over the intercoms. It was Captain Kirk.

    "Attention all crew. In celebration of Commander Zhi'Rev's promotion, I am issuing a three-day shore leave aboard Starfleet. Enjoy your vacation."

    Rev sat down, heaving a great sigh, and looked at the wrist of her sleeve. It was time to find a certain tailor.

    "Mees Re?"

    Rev was speedwalking down the ENTERPRISE's hallways, wearing the same sort of black jumpsuit she had arrived in several weeks before. In her hand, she held a blue bag. Turning to look over her shoulder, Rev spoke while she walked.


    "Are you taking leave?"

    "I am, Ensign. Is that so surprising?"

    "Sort of, Commander."

    "Well. I need to get new uniforms made, Chekov, because mine are hand-tailored."

    "Would you mind if I accompanied you?"

    "Not at all."

    Rev and Chekov stepped on to their respective transport pads and beamed onto Starfleet Headquarters. Instead of transporting into an Admiral's office, however, they beamed into the transport room near the Shops area, where many officers were pacing, enjoying themselves.

    "This way, Ensign."

    "We are off duty, Commander."

    "As I told the Captain, if you insist on me calling you Pavel when we are off duty, then you must stop calling me 'miss,' or 'commander.'"

    "Yes ma-- Re."

    They had already arrived at Rev's special tailor's office, tucked away in a shadowy corner of the Recreational area, dusty and empty.

    "Ahhh, good morning, Zhi'Rev!"

    A man emerged from behind a rack of dusty cloths. He had a balding head of wispy white hair and thin silver spectacles that sat on the end of a crooked nose.

    "Good morning, Mr. Jones. I need a new uniform made? I have my previous ones for reference."

    "What is the occasion? Outgrown your old ones already?"

"No, sir, I simply got promoted to Commander and need new arm stitches."

The man beamed.

"This is great news, Zhi'Rev!"

"Can you make the uniforms?"

The man sighed, looking at Chekov.

"You can never get a nice word out of that woman, can you?" Chekov shrugged, unsure of what to say. Mr. Jones turned back to Rev. "When do you need them by?"

"Three days from today, sir."

"I think I can get that done. Are your measurements the same?"

"I don't see why not, you last took them only half a year ago."

"Alright, well, leave the clothes with me and I'll contact you when they're done."

"Thank you, sir."

Rev left the shop, Chekov by her heel. Stopping near the re-entrance to the rec area, Rev turned to him.

"What do you do, during your free time, Pavel?"

Chekov stared at her for a moment, before uttering a single:


"I do not know how to amuse myself, but I do not see the harm in trying. What would you do?"

Chekov stopped for a moment, before grinning widely.

"I zhink you will enjoy zhis, Re."

For the next three hours, Chekov dragged a hesitant Rev around the recreation area, showing her places to eat, and making her join him in games. At the end of the day, when the two beamed aboard the ENTERPRISE, Rev stopped Chekov before he walked down the hall.

"Ensign. I am aware that I am not very good at showing it, but I did enjoy myself today. Thank you."

"You are wery welcome, Re. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Pavel."

Once back in her room, Rev removed her shoes and massaged her feet. She took a quick shower, and flopped down on her bead, heaving a great (completely unemotional, of course) sigh. Pushing a button next to her bedside lamp, she turned the anti-gravity fixture on, and floated slowly up into the air, closing her eyes. Ensign Chekov was a very excitable boy, and she was going to need to sleep for a long time to get all the emotions he rubbed off on her out of her system.

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