Just Imagine (Minicat)

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Loneliness is something that something many think they know. Only a few know true loneliness. These people try not to believe it though. They perceive things that don't exist to make up for this. Such as an imaginary friend. Loneliness doesn't last forever though. Your imagination will slow down until it is nearly non-existent and you can't believe that you would dream up such things.

-6 years old-

"Hey Tyler?" The young, curly-haired boy whispered out.

"Yes, I'm right here," A figure occurred, seeming to vanish from thin air.

"I'm scared. I think the monsters are back for me,"  He declared, large innocent eyes staring at the tall figure from his halo of hair spread across his pillow.

"Don't worry Craig. I  won't let the monsters get you. Go to sleep." Tyler watched as the young boy he was set to protect dozed off into an uneasy sleep. Shouting shook the walls of the little boy's room. His monsters were arguing at full force.

-13 years old-

"Hey Tyler?" An older version of the young boy cried out to his protector.

"Yes, I'm right here,"  Large arms engulfed the boy. 

"They did it again. They pushed me and punched me and called me names." Tears leaked out of big eyes that were turned up to the man.

"Don't worry Craig. Stand up to them. Tell them what they are doing is wrong. Don't let it get to you. I'll help you through it all. I'm always here for you." The young, barely teen boy slipped into a deep sleep as he was cradled in Tyler's arms.

-20 years old-

There was no 'Hey Tyler?' this time. No crying for reassurance. No beg for protection. No, The young boy had grown up and become a man. Tyler watched from afar, longing for the one who he had grown to love so dearly. He was fading, being forgotten, pushed to the side. Craig was surrounded by friends and girls and everything else a young man would want. He was popular, had a great job, he was loved. He didn't need his imagination anymore. He wasn't lonely.

-63 years old-

Craig watched the mourning from a distance. The last of his friends loved ones, gone from a horrible cancer. He longs not to be lonely again. He wishes for someone to keep him from going insane, to keep the voices inside his head at bay. 

Beside him, the same man as so long ago appears by his side. 

"I thought you would forget about me and never want me back," the long, forgotten about voice rings out in the old man's ears.

"Tyler?" Chokes out Craig, turning to see his old friend standing beside him.

"Yes, I'm right here," he states reassuringly.

The curly haired boy engulfed him in a huge hug, tears drenching the Tyler's shirt.

"Don't worry Craig, I'm here now. You are fine and you will always be."

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