I did a thing

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Taking his hat from the stand by the door, he pushed it over his blond curls. He swung open his door and fell in line with an elderly women walking towards her destination. "Good Day Ma'am. How are you today?" He asks her politely, raising his hat in her direction. She smiled at him "As good as always. Thank you darling." She made her way from the sidewalk, disappearing into a little market on the corner. The young man with his striking green eyes continued on his way, bowing his hat at every elderly woman or child he saw. "Flowers." Cried out a ragged street vendor desperately trying to sell their goods. "I'll take some." Said the man, handing over the money. He bowed his head as a good day. He handed the flowers to the plump women outside his office building before entering. He bid hello to his coworkers on the walk to his office, his heels clacking on the wood floor. With a flourish, he vanished into his office.

Standing at the window, he stood staring down over the crowds of people, grinning wickedly. The man turns from the window. His long, black coat was draped over the back of his chair. His blond hair was mangled and pulled. His eyes were dull and empty of emotion. He takes a drag from the cigarette cradled in his hand, letting out a puff of smoke into the stuffy room. He groans before reaching out. He grabs the frame on his desk and throws it at the wall. The glass shatters. Smiling out of the frame were two young children, a boy and a girl with striking blond hair and green eyes. The man paced the room. His boots echoing loudly through the small space. He bangs his hands on the desk before swiping everything from its surface. Footsteps echo beyond the door. "Is everything alright." A small voice asks, peeking into the room. "Yes, everything is fine, just a little accident." He gave her a smile. A smile full of malice and dripping with poison. His dull eyes piercing into her. She hurriedly backs out of the room muttering her apologies. The wicked man stalked over to his chair taking his place by the window once more.

It is the same person.

So, I did a thing. Please tell me what you think of it. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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