1: The race

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Hiccup's POV:

I was on Dragons edge. Astrid and the rest of the group were all on the cliff with me.
"Do you guys ever miss the dragon races in Berk?" Astrid asked. We all nodded.
"Why don't we have a race here. We can ask my Dad to come down, and we can do our own little race!" I suggested.

They all smiled. They then got up and ran to their dragon. I sent a letter to my dad.

Two days later...

My dad landed at the stables.
"Hiccup?! HICCUP?!" He yelled. Dad brought
Skullcrusher into the stables, then walked out.
"Where are they?!" Dad asked. He mounted Skullcrusher and flew to the other side of the island.

We were in a bit of a situation. Dragon Hunters. They were parked right on the other side of the island. We were shooting when we noticed my dad.
"HICCUP! What's going on here?!" Dad asked.
"Just help us!" I snapped.

Dad dove in and helped us.
"Avoid the arrows! They make it impossible for your dragon to fly." Astrid told my dad. We flew and we shot. There was only the main ship left.

Both Viggo and Ryker were on this ship. We had to make this count! Then a grappling hook wrapped around Stormfly. She began to pull away but it was no use? Astrid grabbed her axe and slid Down the chain onto the boat.

She then began to fight Ryker.
"Look at her go!" I said looking down at Astrid. She was going strong...until Viggo grabbed her from behind and threw her axe overboard.
"Now this is when I save her! Be right back!" I said diving over the ship. Astrid jumped up on a catapult and Toothless grabbed her.

Then we hit the ship and it began to sail off. We went back to the clubhouse.
"Quite the even eh?!" Stoick boomed sitting down.
"Just our everyday thing!" I said sarcastically.

I looked over at Astrid.
"You okay?" I asked. She looked up and smiled.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm use to it by now." Astrid said. Why did Ryker always target either her or me? If I get away away, then Astrid is the next target.

"Okay so...who's ready for the race?!" Snotlout asked with an evil smirk.
"Let's do it!" Stoick said smiling.

So we all lined up at the training arena in the middle of the edge.
"READY, SET...GO!" Dad yelled. We all took off and went around searching for the sheep.
"There bud!" I said. So he dove down and got it. Astrid Fishlegs and I were in the lead over Snotlout, Heather, and the twins. We had 4 sheep and they had 3.

We dove and we twirled. Snotlout went into a cave, and I followed. There was a single sheep and the cave exit. He wouldn't move, so Toothless rolled under and got in front. Then Toothless echoed his sound to find a way out.

Toothless grabbed the sheep and we dropped it in the basket.
"Astrid! There's a few sheep over there!" I said as Astrid flew beside me.
"On it!" She said diving down. Snotlout dove down too!
"I'm getting that sheep Astrid!" Snotlout yelled flying beside her.

"Snotlout watch out!" Astrid yelled! Hookfang flew over away from them, dove down and got the sheep. Astrid just hit her saddle. As she began to fly away, Snotlout came behind her.
"I GOT IT AND YOU DIDN'T!" Snotlout yelled.

But Hookfang crashed into Stormfly, then hit Astrid off with his tail.
"SNOTLOUT HELP!" She yelled as she fell. Snotlout just laid down and whistled flying. I looked over and I saw her falling. Toothless raced over. As she merged in the trees, we dove down. We weren't fast enough.

I found her laying in the ground with her eyes closed.
"Astrid!" I said running over to her. I held her up and shook her.
"SNOTLOUT! How could you let this happen?!" I yelled.

Astrid then opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at me, blinked twice and stood up. I stood up too, and grabbed her waist.
"Ew! Get off!" She snapped throwing my hands off. That was weird.

I put my hands on her waist all the time, why now does she get upset!
"I Just thought You were going to charge at him." I said pointing to a very scared Snotlout.
"Why would I do that? That's mean!" Astrid said crossing her arms. What the?!

"Your Astrid...you would kill him!" I told her standing beside her.
"I don't even know who he is! First of all, who are you? Who am I?!" She said looking at me. My eyes got wide.
"Oh no..." Snotlout said now even more scarred.

"Astrid don't play around!" I said to her.
"Astrid...is that my name?!" She asked.
"Yes Astrid...that is your name! Now come in be serious!" I said trying to get Astrid to stop playing around.

"I'm not joking! Who are you?!"
I then walked right up to her and gave her a hug. She just pushed me off.
"DAD!!!" I yelled really loud. I then turned to Snotlout with a devilish look.

"Hiccup...what are you going?!" He asked now EXTREMELY scared.
"Snotlout...I am going to KILL you!" I snapped about to charge at him. Astrid then grabbed me and pulled me back.
"Don't kill him! Violence is not the answer!" Astrid said to me.

Now I was going crazy.
"It's not violence it's communication!" I said to her. That was something Astrid used to say to me all the time. If she reacted badly to this then I knew she wasn't playing.
"Not violence its communication? Really? Only a really mean person would say that. I'm glad I don't know you, and I frankly don't want to anymore."

My dad then landed. My eyes began to water a bit.
"Son what's the matter?" Dad said landing.
"Dad, she hit her head! She doesn't know who we are! Her memory is gone." I said as my dad ran to me.

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