3: Agony

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Hiccup's POV:

Tuffnut? She remembers TUFFNUT?! I guess it means that her memory can and hopefully will return, but why Tuffnut? Why not me? This was horrible. I never knew how lost I'd be without her. It got worse after that dinner too.

It was night. I was in my hut. My dad was staying overnight in my hut. I set up a bed downstairs.
"So...how are you holding up?" Dad asked me. I was writing in my daily journal. I've had this since I was 15.

I started writing in it on the day I met Toothless. I closed it and looked at my dad.
"Horribly..." I said in a miserable tone. I was miserable and that won't change.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked sitting beside me on my bed.
"My daily journal..." I scoffed.
"May I?" Dad asked. I handed it to him.

He flipped through.
"Thawfest? What's this one?" Dad asked.
"Oh Dad not that one! To many...secrets." I said. But his mouth smiled and he had already read it.
"You threw the race to be a good friend?"

I nodded.
"And ooh...look at that! Astrid kissed you after the race cause she knew what you did. So sweet!" Dad said.
"Okay Dad that's enough!"

He flipped onto another page.
"Snoggeltog party...ooh..." dad said. He wouldn't give the book back. Everything was in that book.
"Today I was taken on meatlug to the dragons secret island. They come here to lay their eggs...blah blah blah...ooh!" Dad began.

"I walked into the great hall...it was hard to see everyone with their dragons. Toothless was still gone. Astrid came up to and made me feel better. Her words always cheered me up. Then when she kissed me and said thank you for bringing Stormfly back I knew everything would be okay?!" Dad read.

I then quickly grabbed the journal.
"How many time have you two kissed?" Dad asked me.
"I don't want to answer that!" I snapped.
"FINE! I don't know...I lost count after 5." I said to him.

"You really care about her don't you?"
I nodded.
"I'm in complete Agony dad! You of all people should know how it feels." I snapped at my dad.
"I'm sorry Dad...it's just so hard!"

I flopped down and laid in my bed.
"Son, I know how you feel. I miss your mother everyday. But she's gone. Astrid isn't gone...she's right there!"

I looked at my dad like he was crazy.
"No dad she's not here! This isn't Astrid. And I don't know if we'll ever get her back."
"She'll come back. Just let her memory return on its own. Don't push."
"I won't."

I sighed and my dad began to go downstairs. I went into my bed.
"Goodnight Hiccup."
"Night Dad."


In the morning, I went on a flight. I just needed to clear my head. All I dreamt of last night was Astrid. I needed to figure out a way to get her memory back.  I could live without her. I actually flew all the way to Berk to talk to Gobber.

"Hiccup! It's been a while! How's everyone out there?" Gobber asked as I walked into his shop.
"Not well...Astrid lost her memory. She hit her head and now she can't remember anything. What can we do?"

"Nothing. You can remind her of somethings, but nothing big. Let it come back on its own." Gobber said to me.
"Gobber, what if that doesn't work?" I asked.
"Then it's gone."

Great...so now she's going to be gone forever.

I flew back to the edge.. I got there at around dinner time. Heather had cooked a delicious dinner as always. I sat down just in time. Heather put the food out, and everyone grabbed what they wanted.
"So Hiccup, where'd you go?" Heather asked.

"Berk...i went to see Gobber." I said to her.
"Gobber why?" Fishlegs asked very confused. I looked at Astrid. They all went "Ohhh..." and continued eating. Astrid didn't even notice.

After dinner, we were doing target practice. Each rider grabbed a weapon of their choice, and we began. I was with my bow and arrow. My sword was Thor knows where and it was there so why not?!

I then walked over to Astrid with her favourite double headed axe. I held it out to her. Dad sat beside her and they were just watching.
"Do you want to join us?" I asked.
"Are you crazy?! That thing can kill someone. I'll NEVER touch one in my life!"

I looked at my dad. He was in shock. I just walked away very upset. This wasn't her. Nothing could keep Astrid from an Axe. NOTHING! I then just threw it in anger. It hit the target dead centre.
"Dang Hiccup!" Snotlout said. I just mounted Toothless and flew away.

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