Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Laura's POV

I sat down in my seat next to Britt and Lynette. We sat in our corner by the door because we can talk to each other and be on our phones without Mr. Randal noticing.

I went on Instagram and saw a picture of Ross and Sofia Güteson at his house. Did I mention he has a reputation of banging girls? I heard that he leaves school every day with a new girl - one of the reasons why I despise him.

Sofia is one of the girls from the rich kid clique. She's also a cheerleader; captain of the cheer squad, to be exact. She never did like me for some reason. All the rich kids in that clique seem to think they're all that. I never hated a them until my sophomore year.


The bell had finally rang and we walked out of class. Ross bumped into me on the way out, but it wasn't an accident.

"Ugh," I grunt. "He's such a jerk."

"Totally." Brittany and Lynette agree in unison.

I had to leave the girls because I don't have second period - English - with them. But that's not the bad part. The bad part is, Ross is in that class. Almost every class I have, he's in it. Except for seventh, which is my extra period to catch up on my work, and third.

"Good morning students. Today, you'll be partnering up with someone today, and I already chose your partners so I will read off the names," Mrs. Adams informed us. She grabbed a clipboard and started to read the names.

"Damian and Troy, Fiona and Michelle, Hannah and Ryan,"

I didn't listen to the rest of the names, but I did hear my name with someone else's.

"Ross and Laura."

'Ugh!' I scream at myself in my head. Why did it have to be him? I could've paired up with Kelly! She's in the nerd clique, so she probably would've done my work for me.

I shift into an uncomfortable position in my seat. I seriously need to talk to this teacher after class.


I get out of my seat, grab my books, and walk up to the teacher's desk. "Mrs. Adams, can we talk about the partners you chose?"

"Laura dear, I have made my decision-"

"But I can't work with Ross," I say, almost yelling at her. "He's my archenemy!"

She chuckles and looks up from her book. "I don't see how anyone can have an archenemy in high school."

"Have you seen the two of us hang out much?" I ask her nonchalantly.

"Not really,"

"Exactly," I say proving my point. "Why did you pair me up with him anyways?"

"Because, you're my A+ student, and he needs the help."

I laugh. "Ross Lynch... needs my help?" I ask with disbelief in my tone of voice.

"Yeah. Look, I have an alternative assignment for you: try to at least be friends by the end of the week."

I sigh and walk away from her desk and out the door. "Yeah, right." I mutter.

I walked out the class and see Ross at his locker. You would think he would be with his friends either stuffing someone in a locker, or banging another girl. I walk up to him to tell him what Mrs. Adams told me, but before I even get a word out, he starts to be rude me.

"What the hell do you want?" He asks, annoyance in his tone of voice.

"Okay first of all, don't talk to me like that. Second, Mrs. Adams wants me to help you with your English."

"I speak English perfectly." Ross argues.

'Dumb ass.' I say in my head. "Okay let me rephrase: Mrs. Adams wants me to help you with your studies."

"Why me and you - doesn't she know that I hate you?"

I sent him a death glare. "Don't ask me, ask her," 'like she would listen to him.' "Just... Meet me at the study hall at seventh period." I start to walk to my gym class.

"Slut!" Ross yells in the background. I flip him off from behind me.


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