Chapter 8

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A/n: woah! this is almost 6000 words.


Juvia cracks an eye open. It is her daily routine to wake up before everyone does. It has been set that she doesn't want to stay any longer in their house.

She doesn't want to bump into her husband early in the morning. Why? She knows that, that will only bring mixed emotions.

It is hard enough to stay calm and collected whenever they are in the company. And she knew that if she meets a Gray–that–has-woken-up-from-bed,oh dear God! all her resolve will surely shatter.

But now, she feels the urge to just lie back and enjoy the feeling of his firm and hard biceps around her body. It brings wonder to her that their body fits perfectly,like they are made for each others arms.

The room is still dark but the early signs of the sun is slowly creeping in, if it is just an ordinary day, she would've scrambled to her feet and immediately shower, but today it is completely different.

She quietly raises her head and stares at her husband's sleeping face. It is a first of all first for her. It is the first time for her to sleep next to him. It's the first time for her since they got married. She remembers the time, they did it, he doesn't even wait for her to wake up before leaving. He doesn't even know how hurt she was.

A sad smile creeps to her beautiful face. Her brows furrows, the corner of her eyes are stinging and she knows that tears are on the verge of falling.

Why? why do I have to fall for you?

Fate must be laughing at her predicament right now. She hates him to the extent that she loves him, and that is confusing her. She reaches to caress his face, and his face turns into a scowl and soon calms. He leans on her touch and moans in contentment.

Tears still continue to fall, her shoulder shaking from her silent cries yet he still sleeps peacefully with her in his arms. She doesn't understand, how her life get entangled with his?

She ran away from him, like a coward would do,and finds herself in his arms. When she thought she can forget about him, he will do something to cause him to nag inside her mind.

All these years, she loves him, all these years he hurts her, and all these years she wishes to get even.

Make him fall in love with her, make him offer his heart to her and just break it into million pieces, in a way that no amount of mending can cure.

She loves him yet loathes him in return.

She traces his face with her fingers, she tries to memorize it, engraving it at the back of her hand. He surely changed all these years. His once boyish looks turned into manly. Her face turns into a scowl when she sees a scar just above his brow, as far as she remembers he never had a scar on his face. Yes, he is a bad boy before,well he she still thinks that he is, but his face is flawless. So how did he get this? She was gone for a very long time and she doesn't care on what he did before.

She knows that once her plan is sort out and when it happened, she knows that she will not be able to do this things.

She will have to hurt him to release the pain inside her.



There's blood...

She shakily raises her left hand, red...If this is just any normal day she will just take this calmly but no she is pregnant for crying out loud! Everything she does, eats, and everything that happens to her also affects her baby. Glancing towards the mirror, she notices how her face turns even paler.

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