Chapter 5

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A/N: Here's another chapter, Enjoy.

Please look past the errors and swearing. I'll introduce other characters here. New pairings and revelations.

Disclaimer: Still don't own the F.T. because if I do, Gray and Juvia has kids by now.

Chapter 5

Gray, with his elbow supporting his chin, tiredly looked at his friends. Natsu called him for drinks and Loke, who was the owner of the bar they're in, tagged along. Wanting to be loose from all the paperworks for a while, he didn't ask for any reason as to why they wanted to drink in the broad daylight.

He was actually looking forward in worrying Juvia. He wanted to see if she ever noticed him. He'd been waiting for his phone to vibrate in his pocket. But it seemed that, that would never happen.

He remembered calling his doctor yesterday night, concerning about his condition.

Chugging the ice cold beer down his throat, he tried to remember what Natsu had been talking about. But that would be a little harder with Loke saying something in the background. It didn't help that his back was hurting, remember he piggy backed all the kids in the orphanage.

He just rolled his eyes. It seemed this two had serious problem. He fished out a stick of cigarette and lighted it up. He knew that Juvia told him to stop smoking but he couldn't help it.

"So what should I do?" both of them whined in unison. But he just continued to look at them with bored eyes.

"I don't know..Honestly I weren't even listening to your ramblings." he sighed, waiting an outburst from the two but it never came.

Instead what the two did made him worry. They slumped down, like they're so tired and audibly sighed.

He cleared his throat, " at a time bro's,..maybe I can help you"

"You go first" Loke offered to Natsu.

"Luce's brother is back"

Loke and Gray blinked owlishly at him then chugged their mugs, "So?"

"SO?! I CAN'T GET ANY ACTION WITH HER, BECAUSE HER BROTHER IS WITH HER 24/7" he screamed on top of his lungs, good thing that they're on a v.i.p room or prying eyes would be on them. Natsu slumped back clutching his head as if it was hurting mumbling between the words of 'cockblock' and 'idiot'.

"Well, if I were Lucy's brother I would have done the same thing" Gray thought out loud, Loke nodded his head for approval. Natsu's jaw almost touched the floor.
"What the— you wanna go hentai king" Natsu challenged to Gray.

Gray gave his mug to Loke, hitched his sleeve up, ready for a brawl. "Who you calling hentai king? huh ? Flame breath?"



Then they jumped on each other throwing punches and kicks. Loke, with his problem kept in secrecy, just kept on drinking, didn't even care if this room would be destroyed like it was passed by a tornado.


Juvia, with her arms laid in front of her like a pillow, her pretty cerulean orbs showed a dilemma. They're boring on her phone with a teruteru bozu key chain with her initials hanging on it. She taught the little kids in the orphanage how to make them. And she made one for herself and for certain someone, though she didn't have courage to give it to him.

Now back to her problem. Should she call him? or text him? She went to his office awhile ago and found out that he's not present. That made her worry. "Maybe his back still hurts", remembering the time he piggy backed the kids on the orphanage.

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