Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own FAIRY TAIL, I wish I do..sigh.

SOrry for the errors, english is not my first language.  ENJOY!
Chapter 3:

Gray and Juvia was ditched and tricked by Juvia's father. Gray's dark blue eyes stared at Juvia's beautiful face.

"uhm...I guess... It's just the two of us?" He tried to break the ice.

Juvia, still not looking at Gray, sighed. "Y-yeah, I guess so."

Juvia still couldn't believe that her father tricked them. Here, she thought that he's trustworthy.She felt betrayed. Traitor.

There's a pregnant pause between them and neither the two had an idea how to break it.

Gray picked the menu book and started looking at its contents. Juvia followed his lead, mostly because she didn't want him to see her face. She felt flustered just being with him. Come to think of it, it felt like they were on a date.

The thought made her feel wonderful and at the same time pissed. She didn't want to be near him and at the same time she needed to. And that made her confuse.

Suddenly a waitress came over their table, snapping Juvia from her thoughts. She smiled at Juvia but Juvia knows better. That kind of smile was mocking her, provoking her.
She eyed the waitress, she had brown shoulder length hair, had brown eyes and had a petite body, and her lips were smothered in scarlet red. very red. She's pretty, but not pretty enough.

Juvia felt self-conscious on her appearance. She only wore light make-up. She's not a big fan of those. Juvia saw how the woman smiled at Gray, she narrowed her eyes at her, checking her up and down, then turned her attention at Gray, who by the way was smiling at that woman. Juvia felt her eye twitch when the woman blushed.

'Oh!, Couldn't she see he's with me?!, flirt'

Then she was snapped back to reality when Gray asked her a question.

"w-what?" she was trying hard not to blush because of embarrassment; she was just caught staring at that woman.

Gray smiled at her, "I said what do you want?"

"oh.." Juvia never thought of what to eat. Then Gray turned to that woman,and freaking gave her a smile, again.

'Oh! Fullbuster's doing this on purpose'

"I'll take some salad." She said interrupting Gray and that woman'sconversation. The waitress irritatedly nodded at her, she turned to Gray..

That moment she wanted to dab her fingers at that woman's eyes. That woman was looking at Gray like it was Christmas and he was her gift. Oh! she never felt this way, before. And it made her angrier at herself that it was because of him. It's been eight years she should be over him.

"I'll take some steak, medium rare oh. And make it two." Juvia's eyes were snapped back at him. Two. Steaks?. Even the waitress was surprised.

"two? sir?." she suddenly stopped from writing.

"yes. for me and my wife."

Juvia was surprised on what she heard. He just stated that he's married and he ordered for her. She suddenly forgot the reason of her irritation. Juvia found herself blushing; she let the smile crept on her face. And, once again that day, she didn't protest or even made a protesting groan at him. She ignored how that woman's face contorted in utter shock. He just indirectly, flat out, rejected her.

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