Chapter 6:

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A/N: I'm very sorry. It has been a while since I updated and thanks for those who still support this story. This chapter is a little shorter than the last. Still I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own fairy tail.


Chapter 6:


Gray prompted down on his bed. The mattress produced a sound which was similar to a groan, with his added weight. His parted lips released a satisfied moan when his back touched the cold sheets. With a strong turn of his shoulders, he felt his body complaining in his acts earlier.

His back still fucking hurts. He fished his phone out his pocket and scrolled for a number.

Dr. Jellal

Yup. He had a doctor. He once had an accident. 8 years ago. He had amnesia before and was out for a year.

He always asked his friends if there was a heavy reason for him to go driving drunk and with a storm going on. He must be crazy that time. And they would always dismiss those.

And that was when his friend Natsu, he never knew that he would ever thank his ever so loud mouth, slipped and told him that he was really heartbroken.

A girl.

That was his reason. And up until now he didn't remember her. Well, he did have a glimpse of his moments with her just hours ago.

But he still couldn't clearly see her face. And it gave him conflicting feelings. He could feel his heart beating fast like it's having a panic attack, whenever he thought of her.

Should he feel that way, especially now that he was married? He couldn't understand it, not one bit. Back before he thanked his amnesia, because he forgot about the woman who hurted him— well that was what Natsu told him.

But now Fuck amnesia, he wished he never had an accident so that he could still remember her and move the fucking on. He didn't want to be stuck in the past. He had a life now, a future, with Juvia..

He pushed the call button and waited for the man to pick it up.

"Hello" a deep voice said over his phone.

Gray cleared his throat ".Doc, it's Gray"

"Gray? what is it?, it's better be important" Gray knew that his doctor somewhat hated him and he didn't know why, the blue haired man didn't even hide his hostility towards him. And he thanked god for not making the doctor kill him.

'Maybe I did something to his girlfriend or to his sister or whatsoever. Heh. I don't care, He has an amnesia right? so I can't remember..But I am sure I didn't do anything to Erza'

Jellal was also his friend Erza's husband.

"You see doc..I had some flashbacks hours ago" he explained. He still gave respect to the guy, he saved him from near death, even though he all but gave him an intimidating stare.

He could sense that the man on the other side of the phone, shock. So maybe he did something wrong before.

"You...really?..what was it?"

"Umm, a woman, but I can't see her face"

"I see.. I'll tell my secretary to write you an appointment, when I get back..I'm in Crocus and can't get back yet..okay?"

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