Chapter One

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My eyes jerk open. My body is sore, every inch of it hurts. Breathing hurts. I sit up coughing loudly and painfully, gasping for air at the same time.

My eyes flick around and I see trees, their leaves are a vibrant green, a cool breeze sweeps through and goosebumps appear on my arms. It must be spring.

I slowly stand up, flinching, and gag when the smell hits me. A smell so disgusting it reminds me of rotten meat left in the sun too long, to the point flies buzz lazily around it. The horrid smell is mixed with the odor of cheap perfume.

I search for the source of the putrid smell and my eyes land on a corpse. I shriek and move back quickly on all fours.

The corpse seems to belong to a woman. Blisters cover her exposed skin which is turning green. The skin of her face is blackened and flies and wasps buzz around her. Her lovely dark blonde hair is tainted with dried blood making it look like an eerie dye job.

I felt like throwing up. My stomach's in my throat, but I am afraid to move.

My eyes are glued to her, trying to figure out if I know her. If I can say who she is. It looked like her eyes were painted black. But as I got closer I shrieked, her eyes are gone. Eaten out by bugs or birds.

One arm is to her side and the other is stretched out as if reaching for something. The placement of this hand catches my attention. I can make out a tattoo on her arm. A butterfly perhaps. A silver bracelet adorned her wrist. Her nails were painted a midnight blue... I looked at my dirty hands my nails were the same color.

Who was she? My mind prickled as if trying to remember her. I just didn't know why.

Then another thought hits who am I?

Before I can think of an answer a twig snaps and I leap, ready to dart when the woman's mouth moves. Maggots crawl out of it.

I lose my cool and scream. I see a lock of dark black hair and part of the forehead of a man in front of me but in my current state of shock, I dismiss the thought the person can help me and I run.

I keep on sprinting trees fly by me and after who knows how long they thin out and my feet land on the road. I wasn't paying attention to the road, especially the fact I am right in the middle of it.

And to top that off, a purple car is speeding right towards me.

I hear the car's tires screech. The headlights temporarily blind me.

I feel the impact with the car, the cool glass crunch under me, I hit the roof, hot metal bends under me just to pop back up loudly as I fly over it my mouth opened wide and I let out a shriek. Which is cut short as I hit the road hard.

My body screams in agony, I sit up slowly and spit blood on the ground, then I stand up. I have my hands on my knees, which are scraped up my jeans torn. My neck has popped and it hurts. My spine feels as if it was crushed, but then it fades away, and I am just standing there on the road, bent, hands on my knees.

I have no idea where I am.

"You're is Sayben falls" a voice that sounds a little different than mine whispers. Her voice was a little snotty, but not over the top.

The door open and a teen around 18 gets out of her car, frantic. She freezes when she sees me standing.

I back up slowly, my breathing heavy, and I trip on a pothole. Falling back. My elbows hit the ground a wave of pain shoots up my arms, but in a split second, it was gone.

Yet I don't stand. If anything I scurry back.

"Sweet Jesus!" she says and slowly approaches me. I look away from her, my gaze landing on the road, an imprint of where I hit is embedded in the ground.

"Are you OK?" she asked stepping towards me slowly as if I am a wild animal. I probably look like one. I back up. "No," I whispered quietly. My voice cracks.

"I can't believe I hit you. My God, how are you still conscious?" she was raking her hands through her hair pacing back and forth.

"I..." my voice sounds raspy. I cough and say "I don't know." my voice not much better.

"What happened to you?" she said bouncing up and down in one spot.

"I... Don't know. I don't remember."

"I am going to call someone, OK? Yes, I'm going to call someone. Like the police and an ambulance..." she then looked at me still not super close. "What were you doing in the woods anyway?"


"From what? Oh my god are you in trouble?"

"No...A... A... A..." I tried to think if I knew the lady but my mind came up blank

"I...I don't know," I whispered the girl looked concerned, she moved towards me a little and I moved back a tiny bit. She stopped and went on her knees our eyes level.

"A lady, a dead lady's body, I think her name was... I don't I don't know"

"Hey hey. That's ok. Do you know your name?" she asked gently. "Um..."

"Come on little one. You can do it." another voice whispered, her voice was kind, pleasant. I closed my eyes think I told myself. And I got it. "Eva. My name is Eva." I whispered. My name I remembered my name. Just that simple thing took away some of my body's pain my head pounded though. "My name is Eva. Eva Marie Lee." I pronounced my name slowly testing out the syllables.

The girl gasped. "No way. It can't be. Are you really Eva?"

"Um... Yes?"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Aubrey."

"Aubrey..." I whispered. "I think I know that name."

She smiled then ever so slowly wrapped me in a hug. I froze then lightly hugged her back and that's when a flip switched and an intoxicating smell hit me. It smelled like a hibiscus. I also heard the beating of her heart. My stomach growled.

Aubrey snapped me out of my funk. "I thought you were dead. Everyone did. When no one saw you or Camry-"

"Who IS Camry?" I asked.

Aubrey smiled sadly. "Camry is your foster mom. Do you not remember her?"

"Oh. I guess I don't" I said sadly. Wiping a tear away. "I...I don't even remember you."

"It's OK. Memories of her will come back, and memories of me eventually. But Eva you can trust me, you know that right?" and I did. It felt like I could. I smiled and nodded.

"You've been missing for 15 days," Aubrey said and by this point, she was done hugging me and had her hands on my shoulders. "15 days, Eva. And then I hit you. How are you still alive?!"

"I don't know. But I guess Camry was the one I saw in the woods..." I said sadly. What hurts the most was I could remember my previous foster families, but when it came to Camry, I could only remember a flash of a smile a flash of blonde hair and a flash of chocolate chip brown eyes. I could smell a whisper of vanilla fields perfume, see a light green top. And that's it.

My memory felt like it was hiding from me. And I hated it.

Aubrey stood up and pulled out her phone talking fast and looking annoyed. She looked at me a couple times.

I felt like lying down and closing my eyes. So I did. I ignored Aubrey telling me to wake up.

Eva (BEING REWRITTEN!!!)Where stories live. Discover now