Chapter Six

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I went into Aubrey's room as soon as I step foot in there a memory hit me. It wasn't as painful as the ones of Camry. But I lost my balance and grabbed on to her dresser. My hand tight around it.

"Come on E! Let's go get ice cream! Aubrey said she was wearing a pink summer dress her hair up in a ponytail. She was smiling. I was sitting on the front porch. Lost in thought. "Ok. Sure. You're paying!" I said happily "course! You know how much I love spending money." she grabbed my hand "I call driving!!" I said. Aubrey laughed. "Sure thing bestie!" we got in rolled the windows down and laughed the whole way.

The memory went away and I was just standing there.

I quickly grabbed some clothes and put them on.

"Are you actually hungry?" Aubrey asked.

"Not really..." in reality I was. Food just didn't sound good. "I'm actually just really really tired."

"Come on then. I'll show you your room." Aubrey said standing up. We went back down the hall and at the end was another door. "Hope you like it," she said opening the door. The walls were dark green my favorite color. Well, when I was twelve. I still really liked it. The bed was queen sized. A dark blue blanket and matching pillowcases the carpet was soft and black. It fit me. It didn't match the rest of her house. The carpet was light blue and the walls light purple. Her room had dark purple walls. It was if she made this room especially for me. I looked at it in awe. "Wow." there was a dark brown dresser and a matching nightstand. Over the dresser was a mirror. I looked away again. "This is amazing," I told her. "It suits me. How did you do that?"

"Before I moved I told you about my house. And we decided the colors together. You chose what my room would look like and I chose what yours would. For whenever you visited. "She said. I smiled. Even though I couldn't remember that it made me happy. "I did remember something when I was in your room," I told her. "Really? What?"

"It was during the summer, I don't know which one, and we went to get ice cream. You let me drive and we were laughing."

"Ah. That was the summer after 9th grade. My mom bought me a car and taught me to drive. I decided to teach you. You just moved to Lenstonville with Camry. And we didn't know I was moving yet. But we went to Lacie's creamery. Our favorite ice cream place..." she motioned for me to finish.

"Didn't we get mint chocolate and raspberry cream?" I said remembering the taste of them mixed together.

"Yes! I knew you could do it!" she did a little happy dance. Waving her hands above her head and kicking out each leg. I laughed. "You look ridiculous!" I said. Aubrey smiled. "Here. I'll let you get settled in. I'll be in the living room if you need me." she left quickly shutting the door.

I was heading to the bed when I passed the mirror. I wish I could see what the other girls looked like. I thought to myself. I quickly turned around. It looked like someone was behind me. I approached the mirror and gasped. Two ghostly figures were in the mirror. Behind me. If I turned they weren't there.

Yet in the mirror they were. The one on my left in my reflection had long dark cinnamon brown hair. Her eyes enchanting midnight blue with red specs. She smiled kindly. "Hello dear." I smiled. On my right was another girl. Her hair shoulder length and the color glazed apricot. Her eyes were enchanting as well. Her eyes were dark green with crystal clear specs. "Wow," I whispered. She smirked, "Hey stranger."

"Who are you guys?" I asked still looking in the mirror. "Our souls are Part of you," the kind one said. I was confused. "See for yourself," the other girl said. Then they vanished.

I looked in the mirror. Not noticing my eyes earlier. My left one matched the kind girl, a beautiful midnight blue. The right matched the other, enchanting dark green. She wasn't snotty more like sassy and annoyed.

I had two different colored eyes, the ring around both of them was sea blue, which confused me neither of them had sea blue eyes, neither did I. But I see now why people say eyes are the window to the soul. In my case, souls.

Did that mean mine was gone? No. I noticed I still had my golden ring around each pupil.

Can I ask you guys your names? I thought. The kind girl appeared first.

My eyes stayed the same except the red disappeared and my golden specs stayed. "I'm Nevada."

The other girl appeared and the same thing happened to my eye. My gold specs stayed. I'm Celosia"

I was freaked out. "Are you guys trapped?" I whispered to them.

Nevada smiled sadly then disappeared. Celosia just disappeared.

"I guess that means yes" I whispered as my eyes got the other specs again.

I was a freak. A girl with two trapped souls in me. A girl with two different colored eyes. A girl who didn't know who she was.

Who am I? What am I? I thought as I went to lie down on the bed. After shutting off the light. Crickets made their music. Calming my tired mind. Sleep came over me like a feather gently.



She wasn't aware of the books on the shelf. Wasn't aware her lovely friend put them there. "Just look Eva!" I wanted to say. "Open the books, my dear. Just open them!" I wanted to scream. But she was asleep and couldn't hear me. And when she woke, would I be able to speak? Tell her to look? I wasn't certain.

The poor girl was stuck with us. Became us. And that was a curse. She still had her human soul. But now? Two more as well.

We didn't know how her body would react to all of this. She was human.

I was not

Celosia was not.

I was scared for her.

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