Chapter Ten

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"should I tell them your names?" I asked Nevada and Celosia.

"No, you idiot! Don't even mention us!" Celosia said angerly

"Don't listen to her. Don't mention our names but do tell them our powers, just act like they are yours I guess..." Nevada said. Celosia sighed. "Yeah. Let's just have her lie and take all the credit for our powers. Y-“

"I don't want to hear it. She's the only reason we're alive. Your power though is being able to take energy from nature.”

"Hello? Anybody home? Don't you want to find out what you are?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I got lost in... thoughts..." Tray eyed me suspiciously. Noah cleared his throat, "well?!"

How should I explain you guys?


I sighed.

"Well... for one thing, I ran six miles as soon as I woke up, Officer Grady explained that to me, Yet I wasn't winded, or out of breath, or flushed. Then, I was hit full force by a car going 60mph, not injured, but I left an indent on the road. The first time I tried to enter Aubrey's house, I flew through her marble sign and a wood post, still unharmed. She told me her sign was about 200 pounds..." Tray was staring at me open-mouthed. Noah tsked at him. "Ok. What else?"

"I was strong enough to rip out a windpipe..." Noah glared. "I also had the power to light him on fire and throw nails just by thinking. I take power from nature, but nature gets it back quite easily."

"Wait a second, take powers from nature? What?" Noah asked. I tried to explain it differently. "When I feel weak, nature helps me. I just touch a tree or a twig, grass or flowers, and their energy flows through me. making me strong again."

"Your voice, don't forget about your voice!" Celosia said to me. "Why? it's not a big deal," I said to Celosia. Not noticing till one of the boys took in a hiss of air that I said that out loud.

"Crap. Now you've done it. You do realize you said that OUT LOUD right?" looked up and sure enough, both boys were looking at me with concern.

"Uh..." I said scratching my head. Noah raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain why you were talking to yourself?"

"Not really..."

He glared at me. "fine. I...I have two other souls in me. Each with their own thoughts and powers, we understand each other. They sometimes lend their powers to me. They each have their own thoughts and everything, they're just...stuck in me."

"Bull crap." Tray spat. I glared at him. I opened my mouth and yet again my voice did not escape. This voice was silvery and sing-songy. Nothing like my small soft-spoken voice.

Water ran over my body, cool, calm. "Won't you believe me? Why would I lie to you?" the silvery sing-songy voice said. Tray looked hypnotized. I realized the voice emitting from my throat was the same voice that sung three days ago when Aubrey found me.

Celosia froze up. Nevada as well. This girl was new. And she could take over my voice. "who are you?!"  I asked panicked. musical laughter was all I heard as she disappeared.

"You're too vulnerable Eva. You need to get better. If she can take over your voice, we can too." Celosia said. "don't worry. I won't do that unless they still refuse to believe you." I realized her voice was tight and taut, she constantly sounded annoyed and/or angry. Noah looked curiously at me. I knew he still didn't believe me.

"Noah. You have to-" I started to say, Celosia took control. I felt trapped. I could still move my limbs, I still had my thoughts, but the air was sucked out of me. "Jesus Christ you moron! How the hell do you not believe her? are you going to have to listen to the other one speak as well to understand Eva's telling the truth!?" she said using me.

She was in control of talking now. I still sounded like me. But my tone was different. Just like with the newcomer.

Noah leaped up. Tray too. "STOP IT!" I screeched pulling Celosia away. I felt like I was going to fall over, even though I was sitting.

"They should believe you now," she said disappearing. "Do you BELIEVE me now!?" I said Tray nodded. "Yeah. That's freaky. WHO are they?"

"Sorry dear. But you better let me explain." Nevada said. "Please, no Nevada!"

"It's the only way till you start believing me. You NEED blood to be strong. Celosia is right you are too vulnerable." I was scared. Tray saw this. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Nevada spoke. Her voice was modulated and orotund. controlled and pleasant, loud and clear.

"Poor girl. Probably won't like to speak to me for a while. Anyways, I am Nevada. The girl who called you a moron" she pointed to Noah, "is Celosia, the girl you heard before her is...well I do not know. You see she wasn't here yesterday. I don’t know why we couldn't feel her honestly... But you see, Eva needs your help. She needs your support. Do believe what she tells you, and help her figure out what she is, and who."

I was me again. terrified and scared. "Sorry dear. the boys wouldn't believe you without proof." her voice was a whisper. My throat was sore, my head was burning, and my stomach was hurting.

Tray and Noah looked at each other. "Eva? Are you back?"

"y...yeah." I whispered. "may I please have some water?" I asked. Tray got up. Noah was staring at me. "Is it? You know crowded?" he asked curiously.i replied "Not so much anymore. at first, it was. I mean I have only been back for three days... might feel that way later." I was terrified. I had another soul in me. She was strong and there. That scared me.


Ha. She was weak enough to where I could make an appearance. It was nice to be free from the depths of the sea, yes having my own body would be nice, but this girls will do. You see Celosia and Nevada thought they could protect Eva by themselves. But without me, no one else would. It was easy for me to get in the head of the boy with the two different colored eyes. He would do wonders protecting Eva. I just planted a little tiny seed in his brain to protect her when the time is needed. As for the pale-haired boy, well I would just have to try harder...

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