Chapter Thirteen

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I felt much better. Noah though kept looking at me, curiosity in his eyes. "What did my blood do to you?" he whispered. "honestly Noah? I felt like I was outside in the middle of winter, my favorite season. It made me forget where I actually was" He sighed Aubrey touched his shoulder. "How do you guys know each other?" I asked curiously.

We were in a taxi, one that could have four people next to each other in the backseat. We were going to get Aubrey's car back from the tow company. Aubrey parked her car in a no-parking zone, then forgot her keys. in the car. Her spares were at her house. So while I was getting checked out, her car got towed. No warning or anything. SO Aubrey is pretty pissed. As if ignoring my earlier question, no one answered instead they were looking at me as if I was going to drop dead. "Guys. Stop staring at me. I am f-" I was cut short when we swerved sharply. My stomach turned, and suddenly I was in a memory. The painful ones when they are about Camry.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of Camry's weather-beaten convertible, an early 1990 model, with the collapsible roof, the seats, worn leather. Camry, a beautiful woman who looked no older than 27 was sitting by me her hair blowing behind her, sunglasses covering her light green eyes. I remembered her. we were laughing.

Snapped back to reality I squeaked out "what's happening?!" Tray was trying to loosen the plastic divider separating us from the driver, It was stuck. The driver's chin was pressed against his chest, not moving. Noah tried opening the door, but the doors weren't made to unlock in the back. The driver had to push a button and unlock them. We swerved again, grinding against the railing separating us from falling down the hill we were currently on.

Camry swerved by the deer, maintaining control, "stupid animal." she grumbled. Then looked at me, "You ok?"

"Um, yeah?" I said confused. Her phone rang and she reached to grab it, her eyes barely left the road she looked quickly at who was calling, let out a sigh and answered.

"We have to find a way out!" I screamed the grinding of metal making my ears hurt Aubrey was by the window away from the rail, Tray was by the other one. "Aubrey, watch out. I unbuckled and we swapped places, I fell into Tray's lap when we swerved again, "Sorry!" I said moving off him, out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur, but I was too worried about saving my friends to do anything about it. I kicked the window as hard as I could, the glass shattering. I wiped it away without blinking. I could see the end of the rail it was a while away but we were coming to it soon. Cruise control was still on, the driver unconscious, then reality hit me. My best friend wasn't immortal. "Aubrey, you NEED to get out! We'll be right behind you ok?"

Camry slammed her phone down causing me to flinch. her hands clutching the steering wheel as if it was alive and she was suffocating it. "What's wrong Camry?" I asked.

"No way Eva. I will be fine." Aubrey said Noah grabbed her arm, closed his eyes and mouthed words, the next second she was 50 feet behind us, looking around annoyed. But it was as if she couldn't see us. The question must have registered on my face. Noah shook his head no then looked away, not before I saw the blood dripping from his nose. I looked at Tray worried but he was gone. Did Noah teleport him too?

I want you to have this bracelet, Eva. My mother gave it to me and her mother gave it to her, so I want to give it to you. She slipped it off her wrist and took both hands off the steering wheel to put it on my wrist.

Noah's nose was still bleeding, the car still grinding against the railing I wish I had powers of my own so I could get Noah out of here Celosia? Are you there? Are you strong enough to get him out of the taxi? I heard Celosia reply "Oh Eva! I wish I could but I have already done so many big spells if I do anymore...Something bad could happen to me, meaning to you too possibly. I don't want to risk it..."

Thas okay Celosia, I don't want you to hurt yourself. You, Nevada, and Lorelei get somewhere safe." All at once they vanished but I saw their ghostly outlines, Nevada and Celosia were crowded together worried, Lorelei looked like she was singing.

"Noah, get out of here now!"

"Eva, you need to as well." he exclaimed grabbing my wrist, his nose was still bleeding, "You're too weak! Save yourself dammit! I am a vampire, I should be okay!" he glared at me, "Fine", then he started to fade, his concentration faltering as I let out a scream, a memory passes through my mind like a bullet.

She smiled at me "that looks lovely on you! much better than when I wore it. Promise me you won't take it off ok? Always keep it with you, whether it be on your ankle your wrist or just with you. " I smiled "Course Camry. Then I looked in front of her CAMRY! WATCH OUT!" I screamed the truck continued toward us driving way to fast, it wasn't even on the road, it was cutting through the trees.

The railing disappeared. we were at the end. I looked at Noah fearfully, he was banging on the door in fright, I shoved him and kicked it with all my strength it flew open, I shoved him out just as the driver and I went off the side.

The truck hit The drivers door shoving us sideways. Camry gripped my hand as we rolled the glass shattering on my side, shards cut into my skin I screamed in pain Camry, in terror.

I screamed as we flew off the side of the road. we were airborne a few seconds, spun, then hit the ground with a bone shattering crunch Upside down, my head broke through the back window, we flipped and I was thrown outside, glass slicing my skin.

The truck just left. Acted like nothing happened. Camry was severely hurt But we still got each other out, embedded in my gut was a very long, sharp piece of glass. My head a bloody mess, my right ankle twisted painfully. My whole body was sore. Camry laid down on the grass losing way to much blood her breathing was wet sounding. I knew she had blood in her lungs. My blood was dripping to the ground, Camry clasped my hand, and we sobbed.

I have to save the driver if he's still alive... I also must make sure Noah is ok, as well as everyone else...I was covered in blood, injured everywhere, my hair a terribly bloody mess, Ignore the pain I told myself heading to the taxi, dropping to my knees when I see the drivers head a few feet away from the taxi, his body inside, his eyes still closed. Then I fall flat on the ground as I am hit over the head with nails and hammers, over and over and over again, a silent wail emitting from my mouth

Camry was paler by the second. Her grip on my hand was weakening, she whispered for me to come closer, I leaned my head down and she whispered: "Magicae magniloquentia confero me ad vos"  she smiled, "my beautiful girl. You will have an amazing life. I just know it. Never ever give up. Stay strong. Be brave." I leaned my head on her chest my arms wrapping around her gently. Please don't leave me. I thought to myself not wanting to say the words out loud...

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