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"...I have no idea why. It's just really good, y'know?" Alex was walking me to class, after he insisted that he do so. He'd been telling me about his guilty pleasures. Apparently, the brown-haired boy loved peanut butter.
"Yeah, I do." I mumbled. We were right in front of my class, and there was a few minutes before class started.
"What about you? What're you guilty of?" He asked, looking directly at me.
"Talking too much about things that people don't care about, losing things, and uh, talking during movies. Oh, and I love Home Alone."
"I like Home Alone too. Now as for talking too much, if anything, you don't talk enough."
"That's your opinion."
"And it's true." He sighed when I'd shrugged. "C'mon, tell me, what goes on in your head?"
"You don't want to know."
"I wouldn't ask if that was the case." The bell rang and I turned to go to class. He grabbed my arm. "This isn't over, okay, Barakat? I'll see you after class." He winked at me playfully before sauntering to class. I shook my head at him and went into class. There was no reason to let Alex into my head, because he wouldn't care. I just wanted to focus on making me happy. But I'd be lying if I said that Alex kissing me didn't make me happy.

"Alex was waiting for me the moment I stepped out of the classroom. He grinned at me and walked over to me. It was weird, having someone be interested in me. It also confused me as well. I wasn't anything really spectacular.
"Hey." Alex fell instep beside me. I gave him a small smile.
"Hi." I told him. He nudged my arm.
"What's your favorite color?" He asked me. I looked at him, and found myself grinning. Such a random question, and I think his intention was to make me smile.
"Green." I told him, the smile never falling from my lips.
"Do you play any instruments?"
"Guitar, bass and drums."
"Oh, so you're multi-talented."
"You sound surprised."
"I am. Mostly because having that many talents is pretty attractive."
"Don't question it." He stopped walking, tugging on my arm so I'd stop walking as well. "I have to go. I'll text you or something." He turned on his heel and began walking in the opposite direction. I shrugged and continued on my way to my last period.
I hated being really early to class, but also hated being late. So I'd stand close to the classroom door until the bell rang. Which allowed me to be mentally okay about the time I entered into the classroom. Rian almost fell on his face when he came into the classroom. His phone was in his hands, his thumbs flying across the screen. When he sat down next to me, I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak to me. His phone vibrated and he laughed quietly.
"Are you texting Cassadee?" I asked him. Rian nodded, not even looking up at me. The late bell rang and Rian slid his phone into his pocket. He was far too much of a goody-goody to ever text during class. The teacher droned on about a subject I didn't care about as I mindlessly wrote song lyrics in my notebook. One thing I'd discovered on my journey to be being happy, was that, school didn't make me happy. It actually would send my mind into a frenzied state of no return. But things don't matter unless you make them matter.
By that, I mean that unless you let things get to you, they won't. Of course I did homework, if I'd felt like it and it didn't make me want to give up on life. Yes, I hate school. I like to learn, but I fucking hate school. School is too-bright lights and judging eyes. Learning was gaining something now to carry with you for the rest of your life.
I was beyond relieved when the bell rang for the end of class. I just wanted nothing more than to sleep. It was much deserved considering I never really slept. If my eyes drooped slightly, my mind would shock itself awake with terrifying visions and theories. Sometimes I'd hear voices. Either way, I was wide awake until the sun rose. The most sleep I got a night was three hours. And even then, I was beyond tired and had no motivation to do anything.
"You excited for your date with Alex?" Rian asked me cheerfully as we left class and stepped into the overcrowded hallway.
"I guess." I was uncomfortable. I had this thing with people, I hated being in a large group, because they freaked me out. Not to mention that I always felt like they were watching me. Of course, I shouldn't care, but that didn't help me to not care. The moment we emerged from the suffocating building, I felt myself relax. "You excited for your date with Cass?"
"Yeah, you're still gonna come over before though, right?" He seemed really nervous and yet eager. I knew that he'd had a thing for Cass since freshman year.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"I dunno, just wanted to make sure is all."
"Okay, where are-" Before I could finish my question, May had tackled me, almost knocking me to the ground. "May? What the fuck?" She just laughed.
"Hi, Rian." May spoke as if we were all friends. I rolled my eyes, my lack of sleep catching up to me. "What's up?"
"Nothing much. What about you?" Rian was always nice to everyone, no matter who it was. But i think he got that from his mom. His mom was the definition of kind and friendly.
"Hey, so Jack, mom told me she'd be working late tonight. So I'm going to Jenna's house." May said turning to me. That explained it. May wanted me to not snitch on her. When neither of our parents were home, me and May were to be inside, with no guests whatsoever.
"Whatever." I mumbled, running a tired hand through my hair.
"Really? That's it? I don't have to bribe you?" She fake-gasped. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm just tired and want to go home." I only got to have afternoon naps on Friday afternoons, and I always used the opportunity to it's full advantage. May shrugged.
"I should be home around five, six at the latest." She blew a kiss and walked to the student parking lot.
"Have fun." I called after her. Rian was texting someone excitedly when I'd turned back to him. "I'm going to my bus." I said to him and walked to where my bus was. I plopped down in a seat, and prayed to get home as soon as possible.

I trudged off the bus, another school week down, months more to go. I walked into the house, the air still with silence. I went up to my room, dropped my bookbag by my room door and fell face-first onto my bed. I kicked off my shoes and curled up under the covers. I smiled to myself and began to drift off to sleep, when my phone vibrated. I opened my eyes, irritated with whoever was texting me. I unlocked my phone screen and opened the text, which was from Alex. Can't wait to see you again. I have the perfect date planned.- xoxo Alex. I felt my irritation melt away at the cute words. Why he had any interest me, still puzzled me. Whatever. I closed my eyes, a smile on my lips, and went to sleep.

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