Crazy Magic Part 2

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"If you could please help me up I would be grateful." Jarvis said.

Steve shook his head to get out of his shock then said, "Yes I can help you. Sorry Jarvis." He went over and helped Jarvis to his feet.

"Thank you very much. I am not used to my new limbs yet." Jarvis said.

"We may want to get Anthony." Loki said.

"Isn't he still an unicorn?" Steve asked.

"Oh yes he is. That curtain spell should wear off in two more hours." Loki said.

"So I am stuck a vampire for two more hours?" Natasha asked.

"Yes for you and the other avengers. I don't know about Jarvis here." Loki said.

"I don't mind if I didn't go back. It is kind of fun being out here being able to interact with others." Jarvis said.

"Are you able to still control the tower?" Steve asked.

"Let me try." Jarvis said. He closed his eyes and started thinking. The tv turned on to Steve's favorite show. "Yes I can still control the tower."

"Alright. I was just checking. We don't need Tony trying to make a new AI system right now." Steve said.

"Yes. Isn't he a rainbow unicorn at the moment?" Jarvis asked.

"Yes he is. As I said before he will be like that for about two more hours." Loki said.

"I should not be around until he is back to his normal self. I do not want to be stabbed by his horn." Jarvis said with a little smile. He was going to have fun with this information later on.

"You can go into my and Thor's room. It's clean. I just cleaned it last night." Steve said.

"Thank you but I think I will go to the guest room. I will go there in a little bit. Right now I want to talk and get used to this body." Jarvis said.

They heard hooves clicking against the floor. It stopped in the doorway. Everyone in the room looked at saw Tony the unicorn standing there. They waited for his reaction. Tony just dropped to the floor.

"At least I didn't get stabbed by that horn." Jarvis said laughing.

"I'll just bring him to his room." Loki said using his magic and picking Tony up.

"Alright. Just make sure you unicorn proof his room." Steve said as they left the room. Steve thought about what he just said, "Wow, I never thought I would have to say that sentence. I owe Bucky 20 bucks."

"Why would you owe Bucky money?" Natasha asked.

"I made a bet with him when we where in the war." Steve said.

"I am not even going to ask what or why." Natasha said walking out the room.

"Bucky! Come here!" Steve yelled as he sat on the couch.

Bucky walked in with Thor on his head, "Thanks for leaving me." Thor said.

"Sorry Thor. Also Bucky won the bet that we made about 85 years ago."

Bucky raised a scaley eyebrow.

"The stupid one about unicorns." Steve said.

Bucky made growling noises.

"You know I can't understand you." Steve said.

"I can understand him." Thor said.

"What did he say?" Steve asked.

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