New high school

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Paige-yay a new school a new start 

Ethan's P.O.V
I see a girl in a hot crop top and ripped jeans she looks like she has a boyfriend but you never know she starts to walk this way and  she asks me...

Paige-hi do u know where the office is

Ethan- y...ya it's on the left


Grayson- damn that girl is hot did you get her name

Ethan- GRAYSON..  and no I didn't

Grayson- what... what did I say

Ethan's P.O.V
I watch as Grayson looks at her walking away i ask myself what would a beautiful girl like that like me... wait...... does Grayson like her...

Ethan- Grayson...

Grayson- ya Ethan what is it

Ethan- what's on your mind right now

Grayson- thinking of a girl...

Ethan-what girl.......

Grayson- why do u care Ethan

Ethan- I don't know I'm just...

Grayson- I know what your going to say just don't be okay


Grayson's P.O.V
That girl is so hot i need to get her number and we could hang out i hope Ethan doesn't like her too.....

Grayson- hey Ethan do u like a girl right now at all

Ethan-ya maybe I don't know why Grayson

Grayson-I don't know just asking

Paige's P.O.V
Those guys seem nice they look kinda cute just a little bit  I hope they like me

Paige- hi I'm paige ~~~~~~~ and I'm new at this school

Office person- oh hi mrs. ~~~~~~~ yes we can't wait to have you here  I'm so excited

Paige- that's good

Office person - so I'll just called someone to take you on a tour

Buzz Ethan
Ethan- oh I have to go Grayson there someone that need a tour of the school bye ttyl

Grayson- ya bye I'll be here waiting for that girl

Ethan runs fast for the office to see who needs a tour

Office person- oh hello Ethan your just on time this lovey lady needs a tour of are school Ethan this is paige paige Ethan

Paige- ya we meet earlier when I need help finding the office thanks btw

Ethan- ya no problem

Office person- so off you go Ethan will take good care of you see you tomorrow paige

Paige- ya see you later

Ethan's P.O.V
I have to give her a tour she's the most beautiful girl I ever saw i just hope that I can make it through this tour and not screw this up

Ethan- so hmm ah

Paige- are you ok...

Ethan- ya I'm fine sorry

Paige-that's okay

Ethan- so how old are you

Paige- I'm 16  how about you

Ethan- I'm 17

Paige- thanks cool so what's this school like any fun sports

Ethan- ya there's.... before he could start naming the sports Grayson came

Grayson- hello there cutie

Paige- * blushes * hi I'm paige

Grayson- hi paige I'm Grayson your so beautiful

Paige- thanks *blushes*

Ethan- paige this is my twin brother Grayson

Paige- oh that's cool

Ethan- I was about to take her on a tour Grayson how about we meet up for coffee later

Grayson- ya sure only if u bring her with you

Ethan- ya I will Grayson bye

Grayson- bye cutie 

Paige- bye Grayson

Hi guys I will make a chapter ever day a lest one or two hope you guys like it love you all

Ethan , Grayson X paigeWhere stories live. Discover now