Mistletoe 2☘️

12 0 0

Paige's P.O.V
Ouch why does my head hurt so much

Ethan- morning paige

Paige-morning what happened last night

Ethan- what part u kissing me and Grayson or the part u told me you loved me


Ethan- ya you did

Paige-omg I'm so embarrassed 😩 I'm sorry Ethan I mushed of been drunk as heck

Ethan- no it was okay paige I don't care that u like me cause well I ...

Grayson- knock knock anyone home *laughs* hey paige what a night

Paige-ya I bet I don't remember anything

Grayson- well u kissed me and Ethan on the cheek

Paige- I know Ethan told me that

Ethan- ya

Paige- I'm going back to bed

Ethan- okay paige night

Grayson- night

Paige- night

Paige walks away

Grayson- so what happened after you left

Ethan- nothing I went to bed and she went to bed


Ethan-ya that's all why Grayson

Grayson- I don't know I'm just asking

Ethan- okay anyways

Grayson-anyways what

Ethan- want to watch a movie

Grayson- ya sure what movie

Ethan- a horror movie

Grayson- okay what one

Ethan- lights out

Grayson- ya let's watch it

Ethan- okay I'll go get paige

Grayson- okay

Ethan- paige

Paige- ya

Ethan- come watch a movie with a us

Paige- what movie

Ethan- a horror movie

Paige- I don't do good  with horror movies

Ethan- that's okay  you can sit in the middle of me and Grayson

Paige- okay I guess that will be okay

Ethan- ya come

Paige- I'm coming  Ethan just wait

Ethan- okay meet you in there

Paige- okay Ethan

Ethan walks into the living room and sits down on the right and Grayson in the left paige walks in with a blanket and sits in the middle

Paige- what movie

Grayson- lights out 

Paige- great a movie that scares the crap out of me

Grayson- it's okay you have me here

Ethan- and me 

Grayson- oh ya and Ethan

Ethan-ya gezzz Grayson

Paige- okay I have you both just don't fight


Ethan- sorry

Paige-it's okay  now let's watch the movie

Ethan's P.O.V
Paige was so cute she came and grabbed my arm when the girl came on the tv

Grayson's P.O.V 
Paige was being so cute until she garbed Ethan's arm then I was jelly I wanted her to garb my arm not Ethan's I can't let him win her heart ♥️

After the movie Paige went to the  mall and saw a cute guy he came and walked up to her and said 

??- hey there pretty lady

Paige- h..hi

??- I'm Cody you are

Paige-hi Cody I'm paige

Cody- your cute

Paige- thanks * blushes*

Cody- would you like to go on a date


Cody- what time do I pick you up

Paige- 8

Cody- k see you at 8

Paige- bye

Ethan , Grayson X paigeWhere stories live. Discover now