The date part 2

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Ethan's P.O.V
No no how could they kiss I didn't ever want to see this happen why

Cody- * blushes*  ah

Paige-*blushes*  that was my first kiss

Cody- that was my first kiss to

Paige- Cody I....i you

Cody- I love you too paige

Paige- *blushes*

Cody's P.O.V
I didn't know paige loved me I think I'm going to ask her is she will be my girlfriend

Paige's P.O.V
Oh my god Cody loves me too I don't know what to say

Paige- hey Cody

Cody- ya paige

Paige- nothing *blushes*

Cody- hey paige

Paige- ya Cody

Cody- will you be my girlfriend

Paige- *blushes* eeeeee

Cody- I just thats a no

Paige- no yes Cody I'll be your girlfriend

Cody- oh really you make me the happiest guy in the world

Paige- I love you Cody

Cody- I love you too

Paige- I guess I have to tell Ethan that I have a boyfriend

Cody- ya I guess you do  come on let's go home

Paige- ya let's go

Cody- let's just hope  he doesn't  have feelings for you

Paige- ya he probably doesn't

Ethan's P.O.V
Oh Crap there coming I got to go I wonder what Cody asked paige I'm really nervous I better get home before they will

Paige's P.O.V
I wonder why Cody asked me to be his girlfriend wait what am I saying I LOVE HIMMM I mea....... wait is that Ethan I saw in that car it looked like him is he following me I have to find out if he was or if that was him

Cody- hey you okay

Paige- hm ya sorry

Cody- *laughs* okay paigeypoo

Paige- hey you know I can't stand being called paigeypoo  * looks at him mad*

Cody-*laughs* your so cute  when your mad

Paige- *blushes * hey

Cody - what it's true


Cody- your so cute

Paige- whatever

Cody- *laughs*

Paige's P.O.V
Why is Cody so cute and why is Ethan following us I really want to know

Paige- are we home yet  *laughs*

Cody- no why are you laughing

Paige- cause I love you

Cody- aww I love you too

Paige- Cody ah...

Cody- yes paigeypoo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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