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We got there and Ethan texted Grayson

Ethan- hey Gray are u coming we are waiting for u at the coffee shop

Grayson- ya I'm going now is paige with you

Ethan- yes Grayson hurry up

Grayson-okay god E  calm down

Ethan- yes I'm sorry Gray   see you soon

When Grayson got there he was wearing and men's tank top and ripped jeans

Grayson- hey Ethan and Paige

Ethan- hey Grayson

Paige- h...hi Grayson

Grayson- aww what's wrong with you don't need to be shy

Paige- I....i...I'm no....not

Grayson- okay can I sit beside your

Paige- y....ya

Ethan's P.O.V
Seeing her get bushy with Grayson was gross
I loved seeing her happy but when I make her happy not when Grayson does I know I just met her today but she's so cute nice and happy

Paige- So Ethan what coffee do u want

Ethan- hmm I would like tea please

Paige- omg same I like tea more then coffee

Ethan- I do too

Grayson- I would like a steep tea trip trip

Paige- okay ill be right back

Grayson- who ever is her roommate is so lucky

Ethan- ya i am

Grayson- wait your her roommate

Ethan- Yep it's cool

Grayson- no your lying

Ethan- no I'm not you can ask her who her roommate is

Paige- hey guys here you go Ethan and Grayson

Ethan- thanks

Grayson-so paige

Paige- ya Grayson

Grayson- who's your roommate

Paige- oh Ethan is

Grayson- thanks cool I'm in room 118

Paige- oh cool I'll have to come by once and awhile

Grayson's P.O.V
WHAT Ethan gets to be her roommate no way I'm going to have to get her number she so pretty and nice and cute and hot....

Grayson- so I have to go I have to get ready for school tomorrow

Paige-okay bye Grayson

Ethan- bye gray

Grayson- wait paige

Paige- ya Grayson

Grayson- can I have your number

Paige- oh ya here give me your phone

Grayson- okay

Paige- here

Grayson- thanks text your later paige and Ethan

Ethan's P.O.V
Grr of course she gives him her number she's too nice and caring I bet Grayson's going to win her Hart

Ethan- hey you ready to go home paige

Paige- ya I'm ready go

Ethan- okay let's go

Hope you guys like it love y'all bye

Ethan , Grayson X paigeWhere stories live. Discover now