Car ride /movies

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When they got in the car Paige's favourite song was on

Paige- OMG

Ethan- WHAT!!!

Paige- this is my song  Ethan promise you won't make fun of me singing okay...

Ethan-I promise

Paige- okay thank you

Paige singing
Who's that sexy thing I see over there..
That's me standing in the mirror what's that acid thing  hang from my neck .. that's gold 🎶 🎶 show me some respect I think I everyday I woke up feeling this way and I can't help loving myself and I don't need anyone else oh 🎶
If I was you I want  to be me too I want to be me too

Ethan's P.O.V
Her singing is so cute she's so cute aww Grayson would of loved it but he's not here in you face Grayson I win this round

Ethan- so paige....

Paige- ya Ethan

Ethan- would you like to got out with me to dinner tomorrow night

Paige- no...

Ethan- oh that's okay

Paige- I would love to

Ethan- really oh that's awesome thanks paige

Paige- ya no problem Ethan

Phone buzzed
Ethan- who's that paige

Paige- oh it's just Grayson

Ethan- oh what did he say

Paige- that he misses me

Ethan- oh cool

Paige- ya and he asked if I wanted to go over and watch a movie  and I said sure why not

Ethan- oh cool

Paige-ya that's sweet of him

Ethan- sweet isn't the word I would use

Paige- oh cool I think 💭

Ethan- were here u ready  to go in

Paige- I can't I'm going over to Grayson to watch a movie I hope I don't fall asleep Ethan..

Ethan- ya paige

Paige- if I fall asleep can you come get me if I'm not home by 10:30

Ethan- ya I'll come wake you up and you'll walk home

Paige- no like can you carry me home or am I too heavy

Ethan- you weigh like 50 pounds I'll carry you home

Paige thanks Ethan your the best * kisses him on the cheek*

Ethan- ya no problem * blushes*

Ethan's P.O.V k...kis... kissed me

Paige- Grayson I'm here

Grayson- hey cutie how are you *gives you a hug*

Paige-I'm good how about you

Grayson- I'm good

Paige- that's good thanks for inviting me to watch a movie is it ok if I invited Ethan to come please don't be mad cause if I fall asleep I told him to carry me home

Grayson-ya it's okay

Grayson's P.O.V
Grr why does Ethan get to carry her home she can just stay here I'll cuddle her  and ya whatever makes her happy

Paige- oh Ethan's here

Grayson- I'll get it

Ethan- hey gray

Grayson- hey E so your here to watch a movie with us

Ethan- ya the I'm taking  her oh a date tomorrow night beat that Grayson

Paige- come on guys let's watch a movie 

Grayson- ya paige were coming

Half way through the movie and paige is sleeping on the arm of the Couch

Ethan- well I better get her home

Grayson- why don't you watch the rest of the movie

Ethan- because you know I'll fall asleep bye gray

Grayson-fine  bye E *kisses paige on the cheek * bye paigey

Ethan- really Grayson really paigey whatever bye

Grayson- ya it's cute bye Ethan

I hope you guys like my story so far I'll keep going and try no to leave you on cliffhangers but you'll see in the future bye love y'all

Ethan , Grayson X paigeWhere stories live. Discover now