Ethan's P.O.V It's been 4 months and paige and me been roommates Grayson throwing a Christmas party at his room and I can't wait to go there will be a mistletoe there I'm so so so excited
Ethan- u ready to go to Grayson party
Paige- no not yet let me get dressed
Ethan- okay
Paige's P.O.V I get a cute dress on and out on make up
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I look cute and beautiful
Ethan's P.O.V Omg she's she's she's beautiful and cute in that
Ethan- * hide the blush * you look beautiful paige
Paige- thanks Ethan u look handsome
Ethan- thanks let's go now that your ready
Paige-wait one more thing sorry
Ethan- no it's okay
Paige- isn't km just going to garb my cute tiara and shoes and we can go
Ethan- okay paige
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Paige- k Ethan we can go now
Ethan- okay let's go
Paige's P.O.V We go to Grayson and I see George I go garb a drink and walk up to him
Paige- hey George
George- oh hey paige what's up
Paige- nothing much well I'll see you around
George -ya see u
Ethan- paige come here
Paige - coming
~~~1 hour later ~~~
3ed person view Paige and Ethan walked around talking and then Grayson came and talked with us then paige left and talked with George not known they were under the mistletoe
Random girl- you guys are under the mistletoe
Kiss kiss kiss kiss - everyone sad but Grayson and Ethan
Paige-I.. I can't kiss you George I'm sorry
George- I know I'm not ready either
Paige-thanks for understanding
George - ya see you later
Ethan-that's my girl
Grayson- your girl no Ethan my girl
Ethan - u think so Grayson
Grayson- ya
Ethan- okay whoever kiss her under the mistletoe first wins deal
Grayson- deal
~~~2 hours later ~~~
3ed person view paige is under the mistletoe with Ethan And paige and Ethan kiss on the cheek Then paige and Grayson kiss on the cheek too
Ethan- I got a kiss with her
Grayson- so did I
Ethan- who are we kidding she'll never like us
Grayson- ya she likes George
George- who likes me
Ethan- OH! George no one
Grayson- ya what Ethan said
George- okay
~~2 hours later ~~
Ethan- paige is drunk
Grayson- ya take her home I'll end the party
Ethan -okay bye Grayson paige come here
Paige-okay Ethan bye Grayson
Grayson- bye
Ethan-paige come
Paige- I'm coming I'm coming
They get back home
Paige- Ethan
Ethan- ya
Paige- I love you 😘
Ethan- paige your drunk go to sleep and we can talk in the morning