10-Barbara's True Intentions

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Bill's P.O.V:
He ran to my sister and jumped on her. I knew what was able to happen but I didn't stop it. Peers must've either known that I didn't leave the room or just didn't want her to suffer. He ended her fast and without pain, a quick snap of the neck was all it took. I felt numb all over as I saw my sister's limp body. Barbara was dead but I know that she knew how it was going to end. 'Don't stop me. I'm doin' what I should've done a long time ago and don't you remember that talk we had last week?' Of course I remembered, how could I ever forget? On the second day of living in the mansion Barbara told me that we needed to have a talk.
"Bill I've been needin' to talk to you." When she told me that I knew she was going to give me a meaningful speech. "Yuh know how we are livin' with Alice and Peers now right now? That means yuh ain't gonna be needing me anymore since yuh have them two. I know that yuh be lookin' up to me since we were kids but now you have Peers to talk to. Now I know I act cold towards him and that you're confused but it's all just a mask. In the back of head I know that he's good but I just need to get used to him. Now when I myself have warmed up to him, I will give him an apology and a gift. I think you should start using him as a role model but I got a feeling that as long as I'm around that may not happen. Of course there is still the chance that he is tricking us. If that's the case I will kill him, I won't want to because he's been nice to you, but I will if I have to. All I'm sayin' is that I'm not gonna be here forever. I will die one day and I trust he'll take care of you good. When I die it'll most likely be because of a zomb. If that happens don't seek revenge just move on 'cause I want you to die of old age. You've got too much brains to waste away on something like that."
Back in the present time I heard Peers let out a sob. I knew that, just like my sister, that he didn't want to even fight with her much less kill her but he didn't want to die either. I then noticed the box near the door causing me to frown slightly. Barbara didn't mention anything about a box to me. I inspected it and found one single name on it; Peers. "Uh Peers? You should take a look at this." I handed him the box and he froze. "She got this for me?" I shrugged pettily. "I don't know. Open it and find out." He slowly removed the newspaper, careful not to tear it. On top of the box was a single envelope. On its back were words and Peers' eyes teared up as he read them. He opened the envelope to find a necklace that said, "We are one." He looked back at the box and opened it. Inside he found a single zombie plush doll holding a cardboard sign saying, "I'm a vegetarian." Peers couldn't hold it in anymore, he cried heavily, saying apologies to Barbara. I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. I was caught off guard when he pulled me into a death hug as he cried on my shoulder. Although I was taller than him he was much stronger than me. It was... strange to say the least. Mostly because I was comforting the guy who killed my sister. Shouldn't he be comforting me? I felt a year trickle down my cheek and before I even realized it, I hugged him back. We were just two guys crying looking for comfort within each other's embraces. We jumped when a groggy voice spoke. "What are you guys doing?" It was Alice, she had barely awakened. We quickly pulled away not wanting Alice to see us crying and hugging each other. "Oh Alice you're still alive!" He hugged her. I looked at her arm. "Peers, you said when you were bitten that it only took a few hours for you to turn. How bad was the bite?" Peers reflectively, but slowly, touched his shoulder where his scar was. "He took a big bite. I was bleeding a lot." I nodded my head. Alice's bite isn't that severe so she should live longer but in the end she will turn. From the millions of zombies Peers is the only one human thoughts, so what are the chances of Alice being like that? "Alice you weren't bitten badly but you were still bitten. I'm going to take some of your blood to determine the time you have left." Alice nodded, telling me to do it fast. After drawing some blood I left the room and asked them to wait awhile.

Peers' P.O.V:
I looked at Alice's bandaged arm and asked her how she felt. "I feel a little cold." I sat on the empty cushion and wrapped an arm around her, slowly rubbing her shoulder. She sighed against me then looked up at me strangely and I thought she felt uncomfortable. "What's around your mouth?" I raised a hand, feeling around my lips. Alice pulled out a compact mirror and aimed it towards my mouth. My eyes widened when I saw red around my mouth. "I was drinking a raspberry milkshake. I used the berries we picked to make it. Do you want some? There's enough for you, Bill, and..." Barbara must've thought that I bit Alice. "What's wrong?" I blinked. "Alice there's something I need to tell you." I told her everything that happened since she fell asleep. How Bill and I had to carry her to the mansion, and how Barbara tried to kill me so I killed her, then about the gift that Barbara got for me. "The note said, 'Dear Peers, I realize I may have been too hard on you and I'm sorry for that. I thought that you were trying to deceive us this whole time. Please accept both the gift in this envelope and the one inside of the box as a token of our friendship. Love Barbara.' The gifts were this necklace and this little plush doll." I pulled out the toy and showed it to her. Alice had tears forming as she read the sign that the zombie was holding. "How's Bill taking it?" I shook my head. "I don't know." The door flew open and Bill came out with some papers, struggling to give us the news. "I'm sorry but you..." Bill roughly shook his head. "Alice it has been estimated that you only have six hours before you turn. The chances of you remembering us or anything for that matter is very unlikely. I already thought about it and, from the millions of people who turned, Peers is the only one known to have his memories." Bill looked at me sadly. "Peers, I know you love Alice and you don't want her to become one of them. Spend this last night with her, don't leave her alone, and end her when she stops breathing. Can you do that?" I numbly nodded my head. "Good. I'm going to leave you two alone. I'm going to find a place to give Barbara a proper place to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He walked away and I saw Alice crying. "What's wrong?" I instantly regretted asking her such a stupid question. Luckily Alice didn't seem to notice as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. "He said, 'I'll see you in the morning,' not not you two or the both of you, just you."
I tried calling her down, telling her that it was going to be okay. "No Peers, it is not going to be okay. I am going to die tonight and something else is going to replace me. What luck, two girls in the same household dying on the same day leaving one's brother and the other's boyfriend all alone." Alice shook her head then looked me dead in the eyes. "Peers, since this is going to be my last night alive I want to take the next level with you. As a last sign of love let's have sex. I want you to be the first and the last person."

Who would've guessed that Barbara was actually a good person and not some cold hearted female dog? Do any of you know what's happening in the next chapter? No, me neither. The story is about done there will be about two more chapters left. I hoped you like the chapter please tell me your thoughts on it.

Word count: 1500

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