Epilogue-Memories Rekindled

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3rd P.O.V:
Bill woke up the next morning and made some coffee. He was worried about Peers. It would have been hard to kill Barbara in that situation although he had the feeling that she would've ended herself. An hour passed by so Bill went on his laptop looking for a way to take his mind off the couple's predicament. He raised his head, suddenly feeling as if he wasn't alone, to see Peers and Alice standing there smiling. Bill removed his glasses to rub his eyes. When he put them back on they were still there smiling.

Bill's P.O.V:
How can this be? Alice should've been dead, the tests show that the virus was rapidly taking over her cells. Her bandage looks like she took it off and just lazily put it back on. She seems different from yesterday somehow and Peers looks different too somehow. It looks like he got a tan... Oh! The color pigments on his skin must've returned. But what about Alice, is she okay? "How are you feeling Alice?" Her smile widened, if that was possible. "I feel great and look! The bite is gone!" She unwrapped the bandage so I could see her arm. Alice's arm was healed from its bite. The only thing that remained from it was a faded out scar. Something was wrong here, not that I was complaining or anything but Alice should have been fully infected last night and I don't know why she isn't. "Peers, what did you two do last night?" Peers gave a small, shy smile. "We, uh, were showing our love for each other." Showing our love for each other? Did they have sex? I needed to do some testing. "You know the drill. I need some blood." They pulled their pajama sleeves up and I siphoned some of their blood. I walked out of the room to my lab, which was the guest room, towards my computer and DNA analyzer. I placed some of their blood on the analyzer and it started the tests. It wouldn't take long because I was only looking for one thing but there was something I needed to know now. I placed Alice's blood under a microscope only to find it free of the virus. Confused I checked Peers, only to be shocked. I printed my findings out and ran to the living room to show them. "Guys I found something, something good. Alice you're no longer sick, the virus has left you. Peers have I ever told you how your cells reacted to the virus?" He shook his head. "Really? Oh well I'm going to tell you now. Most people's cells would try to fight off the virus, like Alice's did, but would fail and be taken over. Your cells on the other hand wasn't attacking but instead was defending so that the virus won't take over. No instead your cells and the virus were working together to make a unique person into a unique zombie. I first noticed it with your skin but the tests show that now all traces of the zombie virus is gone but has replaced with something else. It has been replaced by a vaccine, no, a cure! My theory is that your sperm alone had enough of your cells and DNA to destroy the zombie virus from Alice and even helped her rebuild the tissue on her bitten arm. You are a walking cure Peers do you realize that? I also believe that your body allowed itself to be taken over on purpose your first month of being a zombie in order to allow it to fully understand it. By allowing yourself to have the virus you were invisible to other zombies until you can find a mate. When you met Alice, your body knew she was the one so it slowly started killing the virus off but kept just enough to stay invisible until you had sex. By having sex you would make offspring to make sure your species survive and guess what? The tests show that Alice is pregnant.

3rd P.O.V:
Peers and Alice were so excited to hear this. Bill took some more of Peers' blood and stated capturing zombies to make blood transfusions. Many zombies returned back to human in just a few days with the transfusion and nine months later they had a baby boy. They named him Chris and a year later they had a baby girl which they named Julia. Every year they would visit Barbara's grave to give their respects. It had been sixty years since Peers had inadvertantly saved Alice. It is now the year 2198 and Alice and Peers are sitting on a bench at park watching their great grandchildren play. This is also the same park in which they had first met and they held each other closely remembering that first fateful morning about a lonely zombie and that one lonely girl.

Whew... The story is finally done. I must say that I am saddened that I will never have to write another page of these characters... Unless I make a sequel! That's right I'm making a sequel that's happening between the sixty year gap. If you liked this story then I would recommend the sequel called, "Call upon your Peers." I have the first chapter out already so go check it out. Love you all and see you in the sequel.

Word count: 905

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