I'm in love with my bodyguard Part 3

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I got to the stairs and I hopped up on stair at a time

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I got to the stairs and I hopped up on stair at a time. Jimin came and said "you need help"? No! I said. "I can do it myself." "Don't be stubborn," with that he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. I told him to put me down. As he was carrying me he said, "so is it true what you said back there"? I don't know maybe, yeah, I don't know." We got  to my room and he put me on my bed. You know your making my job harder. What do you mean? I might transfer and bring in one of my buddy's to take over in my place, I trained him myself. Why? What did I do wrong? You didn't do anything wrong. I don't want anyone else to be my bodyguard, you are my bodyguard. I won't except. I'm sorry I already talked to your father. You will be meeting my friend Jungkook. He's same as me with training, please take care of him like you did with me. Jimin left my room I started crying I can't believe this, what's happening? I felt like my heart was torn out of my chest. Jimin closed my door. (pov) I'm so sorry Kaylynn I'm falling for you. This will effect me on protecting you. The next morning I woke up and got ready for school, I went down to the kitchen. I was surprised to see the new bodyguard was here already. I asked my father if Jimin left already? Before my dad could say anything Jimin walked into the kitchen. He said good morning Kaylynn. This is your new bodyguard Jungkook. I said hi nice to meet you. Jungkook said hi. I turned to Jimin and said when are you leaving? I will be shadowing Jungkook for a week and then I will be leaving everything up to him. I see I said. I asked my father if I could have a word with him? He said ok what is it? No dad could talk to you in private? Oh yes let's go to my office. While in his office, I asked could you tell me what you and Jimin were talking about the other day in your office? My dad said he didn't want me to say anything to you about what we were talking about Kaylynn. Why I asked? Because it's going to hurt my feelings? I don't care just tell me please dad? The thing is this I'm falling in love with him. I already told mom. I was crying as I was telling my father this. He said I didn't know your feelings for him was that strong. Honey I still can't tell you what we talked about he had me promise him not to. I'm so sorry, with that I ran out of the office crying and ran pass Jimin and Jungkook. I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I locked my door. My dad came to my room and asked me to unlock the door? I said no I don't want to talk to anyone. He said you have school sweetie. I'm not going today. He said I'll call school and let them know. Please have breakfast if you didn't already. My mom came to the door and said honey it's mom can you please open the door? I let my mom in, but close the door on my dad. My dad was hurt that I didn't want to talk to him. I was still crying when my mom put the tray of food for me down. I'm sorry your hurting sweetie. I said mom it hurts my heart so much why? You really love him that much? I do. I feel like I just had my heart ripped out of me. My mom just held me in her arms. I cried myself to sleep. She covered me up and left the tray of food in my room when I woke up. While I was sleeping Jimin came in my room to check in on me. He sat next to my bed. He said I'm sorry Kaylynn, I never want to hurt you. I do care about you, and my love for you is strong, but it will effect me from doing my job, and that's to protect you. With that there was a tear that rolled down my cheek. I know your hurting, but I know you'll be fine, your a strong person. His friend Jungkook knew about the situation. Jimin stood up to leave when my hand grabbed his, he looked at me, but I was still sleeping. He sat on my bed and held my hand in his. Jimin (pov) Why is it so hard to let you go? Am I doing the right thing for the both of us? I just don't know anymore. I never had this happen to me before doing my job. What makes you different? He covered me up and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He left my room, Jungkook asked is she ok? Jimin said yes. Did she eat anything? Her mother asked me to check. Jimin said I'll go check. He came back in my room to see the tray untouched. Jimin told Jungkook tell her mom no she didn't eat anything yet. I woke up and got a shower and changed I went to my dance studio and practiced. I was listening to music with my headphone on moving with the music. I didn't notice I had Jimin and Jungkook watching me. Jungkook said she's a good dancer. Jimin said yes she is. I got done with practice and went to go take another shower and I came down stair and had breakfast. I was feeling a little better. My mom said are you feeling better? I said a little. So are you going to school? I should I don't want to miss too much work to make up. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye. I went with Jimin and Jungkook. Both were taking me to school. I got to school and I got out and walked toward my friends. They was two bodyguards behind me. Cindy and Kaylee were like who's the new guy? Kaylynn how many bodyguards do you need? Who me? Yes you they said. I only need one why? Ok so who's the other one? He will be my new bodyguard. My current bodyguard is shadowing him for a week before leaving I said. Kaylee said, but Kaylynn you told me that you love Jimin, with that I covered her mouth. I yelled at her could you be any louder? I got all flushed and red I walked away. Jimin saw me get red and thought it was cute. I just kepted walking and I ran into Jason. I fell backwards and Jason caught me. He said you ok? I'm fine, I need to go. Jimin and Jungkook came running up to me.

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