In love with my bodyguard Part 4

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Kaylynn you ok? I'm fine thank you

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Kaylynn you ok? I'm fine thank you. Jason said I know who you are, but who are you? I'm Jungkook, Kaylynn's new bodyguard. I know about you, hope we don't have any problems. I opened the door and linked my arms with Jungkook and Jimin said let's go please. Both were surprised by my action. Once we were inside I let go, I went to my locker. At my locker I opened it and a letter fell out. I picked it up, I read it and it was a love confession letter. Cindy and Kaylee said who confessed? I don't know I said. Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other. Jimin felt a little jealous. I told Cindy and Kaylee that someone already has my heart, I made sure i said it loud enough for Jimin to hear. They said who tell us? I said sorry girls I can't. He's someone special. Maybe someday I can tell you both. Jimin could tell it was hard for me. He talked to his friend Jungkook. He said I'm hoping I'm doing the right thing here. Jungkook said well how do you feel about her? I love her, I do anything for her. Then you need to tell her. Even if it will effect me protecting her? Look you would be even protecting her harder, because you love her. I don't know I need to think. He went  and took a walk to clear his thoughts. Jungkook went with me to the class room. Of course everyone was like who's the hottie Kaylynn? He's my bodyguard where's the other bodyguard you had? He went for a walk, why you asking? Nothing just asked that's all. My friends said look you need to talk to Jimin, if you care for him that much. I said what can I do he won't listen to me. After class I asked Jungkook if I could talk to him in private? He said ok what do you want to talk about? How well do you Jimin? I know him well, why? Oh. Is this about how you feel about him? How do you know that? I can tell, just by the way you look at him. It's that noticiable? Yeah it is. Then what should I do? Well did you tell him how you feel? I try, but I freeze up when I try to. I get butterflies in my stomach. I think both of you need to sit down and talk it out. Do I have to lock you two up to talk to each other? No that's ok I'll try to talk to him about it. If he doesn't want to listen then you can lock us up ok? Deal. Jimin met us at the lunchroom after his walk. I took my tray up to get rid of at the trash bin. I was given another letter by someone and I opened it up to read it, it was another love letter confessing their love for me. I didn't what to think. I put the letter away in my pocket. I walked back to our table. Cindy and Kaylee were like what's wrong? I got another love letter, from who? I don't know, but it's creeping me out. Just then my friend Taehyung came up behind me and scared the shit out of me. I turned around and punched him in the stomach, just out of reaction. I saw who it was and I told him I'm sorry Tae Tae. He said wow Kaylynn you punch hard definitly not like a girl. It's ok I should know better not to sneak up on you . That was my fault. We got up and the letter fell out of my pocket. Jimin picked it up and read the letter, the letter stated to meet the person after school in the gym room. Jimin didn't like the sound of the letter, something was off about it. He gave it back to me and said I dropped it. I said oh thanks. I finished school and I went to the gym to meet who this person was. I got to the gym room, but the door was slammed shut and I was locked in. I tried to yell for someone. I told Jungkook and Jimin to wait for me at the car in the parking lot. I was scared I heard foot steps coming towards me. The person said so finally I have you alone. 

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