Chapter Seven: Temple

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"What were you thinking," Thomas yelled as they made their way back home.

Just before the sun had peeked over the horizon, Trenton, Thomas, Kai, and Seth joined Robert at the fallen tree.  They looked worn and a little beaten; however, they were alive and intact.  No one offered the final outcome of the confrontation and frankly, Robert did not want to know. 

They had successfully saved Trenton-- and the Water Witch, who was sleeping on Robert's back as they trekked through the rocky terrain. 

She had fallen asleep next to Robert, and nothing they did would wake her.  So he insisted on carrying her.

Robert grumbled an unintelligible response under his breath. 

As soon as they were a safe distance from Jasper's castle, Thomas had turned his attention to Robert.  He was furious with him.  Seth and Kai shared the same irritation but voiced it with heavy curses and insults. 

Robert kept his head down, and made sure Walker wasn't slipping from behind him.  He could not explain what had been going through his head when he promised Walker to take her home and helped her escape.  He knew it was dangerous.  He knew Walker wasn't innocent by any means. 

Robert had done it anyway.  He knew a majority of it was because he felt sorry for Walker.  But, he could not tell them that.  Why would he feel sorry for her after all she had done?

The best explanation he could muster was he knew Walker was being coerced and taking her away from Jasper could stop her from doing more damage.  It was not entirely false, but it wasn't what drove Robert to save Walker.

He felt like an idiot for having sympathy for the nymph.  He just could not get rid of the image of Walker being beaten by Jasper.  It was like finding out some bully was being subjected to the same abuse by an even bigger bully. 

Thomas did not seem to buy it.  It just led to more interrogation and annoyance.

"So you thought helping the Water Witch would just magically stop her from sinking our homes?  Did you ever think she would still do that?  What about Jasper?  Did you think about the possibility of Jasper trying to find her?" 

Robert opened his mouth, but Thomas cut him off quickly, "You didn't think!  How are we going to guarantee this isn't a trap or she won't turn on us?  We live near the ocean for Gods' sake!"

"Thomas enough," Trenton said. "We can't take her back."

"Just leave her ass right here," Seth suggested.

"No!  Jasper will find her and probably kill her," Robert exclaimed. 

Four pairs of eyes turned towards him.

"So?  Not our problem.  Let Jasper take care of her for us," Kai remarked, callously. 

Robert pursed his lips together, glancing back at the sleeping Walker. 

Maybe Thomas, Seth, and Kai were right.  Walker might end up being more trouble than she was worth.  Robert apparently had not thought this all the way through.  He acted on his emotions than his logic. 

Robert shook the thought out of his head.

"We aren't taking her back, guys.  I am with Robert on this.  If something does go wrong, we will deal with it.  This might give us an advantage," Trenton reasoned with the group.

"Yeah.  And it will be all your fault if something does go wrong, Robert," Seth sneered, causing Robert to wince.

It would be because he abducted her.  Oh, fuck.  He really did not think this through.

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