Chapter Four: Hands

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They were going to die.  Robert was entirely sure of this.  This was a suicide mission.  It was necessary, but it did not make Robert feel any better about it. 

They - Robert, Thomas, Kai, and Seth-- were breaking into Jasper's home to save Trenton.

Robert was trying not to hyperventilate.

This was insane!  They were all insane! 

"Are you going to be okay, Rob?"  Thomas looked at him behind the black mask.

All Robert could see was the slight reflection of Thomas' glasses.

Everyone was decked out in all black.  They were careful to cover their faces and any defining features.

Robert nodded.  He didn't trust himself to speak.  All this incognito shit wouldn't matter if they were caught, Robert thought.  That thought made him sick to his stomach.  He had seen what Jasper did to traitors and humans.  It was not a pretty picture.  And they were breaking into her home.  It took everything for him not to break down into hysterics.

"Okay.  We all know the plan," Kai said, taking charge. 

Everyone nodded.  They were huddled at the base of Jasper's fort.

There was a weakness in the wall that a soldier had detected years ago.  It was only used once, and it ended horribly.  No one dared to exploit this knowledge again.  It was foolish.  It was reckless.  People had died.  Yet they committed it to memory.  Just in case the time arose.  And here they were. 

There was no turning back, though.  They had to rescue Trenton.  If they lost him, they lost everything.  He was imperative. 

Robert wiped his sweaty palms on his black pants.  He swore he could hear his heart beat in his ears.  There was a large lump in his throat. 

What if he ran into Walker? 

Robert shook his head, banishing the thought.  This was not the time to think of the Water Witch.  She was not important.  Trenton was necessary. 

Oh, fuck.  Oh, fuck.

This was not going to end well. 


Walker was still recovering from Jasper's assault.  Jasper was beyond furious with her.  Walker couldn't remember a time that she made the Titan so angry.  Walker was use to Jasper being rough.  She was used to being manhandled and tossed around like a doll. 

Sometimes Jasper would hit or smack Walker, but not ultimately beat her.  Not to a point where she could barely stand.  Not to a point where her skin was marred with bruises and cuts.  Not to a point where it hurt to get out of bed. 

Walker knew Jasper was capable of such violence, and she recklessly defied her.  Even if it was unintentional.

Walker was angry at herself for being so stupid.  She should have known better.  It was her fault that Jasper was provoked.  If she had stayed, she wouldn't have been punished.  It was that simple.

Walker cursed herself again and again.

No!  Do not blame yourself, she instructed.  DO NOT GO THERE!!! 

However, it was hard not to fall into the feelings of guilt and shame.  She did this to herself.  It was her fault.  Her fault.  She will never get home. 

Jasper did not come to see Walker.  She was given her meals by a timid servant named Kaleb, who was the only person Walker had contact with. 

Jasper did not even call her for their weekly dinner.  This had been their routine for centuries.  Jasper made sure that it was never missed, and it made Walker anxious when she never showed up.  Walker never thought she would want dinner with Jasper. 

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