So Far Away

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I woke up to Jimmy playing with my hair, sighing as I open my eyes I look at him and see him smiling, "How do you feel about skipping school for the next two weeks? We need to plan for warped tour..." I gave him the cheesiest smile and tackled him with a big hug. "Are you serious?!" He laughed "Very!" I Laughed and went to take a shower. When I was done I got ready and went down stairs, I went into the kitchen to find Jimmy pouring us some cereal. He made me some Cheerios with strawberries, and he had the same. After we ate, sense Jimmy already got ready we left to go meet the guys at Shads house.

When we got to Shads I saw Pinkly and Syn in the front yard. When we parked the car I ran over to Pinkly and picked her up. "Hi Sweetie-pie! I missed you, who's a good girl? Your so pretty!" Syn and Jimmy chuckled. "Syn, I am going to steal your dog and no one will see us ever again!" Syn gasped and tried to take Pinkly away but I ran into the house before he could. As soon as I ran in I put Pinkly down and sat in Johnny's lap. Soon Jimmy and Syn came in, Jimmy frowned when he saw me on Johnny's lap and pulled me into his. Johnny Pulled me back into his lap and gave Jimmy a challenging look. Soon they were fighting over me, so I got up and sat in Shads lap. Everyone laughed. "Ally, Jimmy looks like he's about to cry go sit in his lap."

I got up and went to sit in Jimmy's lap and he put his chin on my shoulder, I smiled and put my head on his. "So.....were going to Warped Tour?" Everyone smiled excitedly and nodded. "So what's the plan?" I asked excitedly. "Well, sense you're staying with Jimmy for the summer you get to come with us. You have to get to know the other bands around. We need you to stay safe and promise to carry your phone with you at all times. You also need to be at every performance because we need our luck charm." I smiled. "Not a problem, I have to be there for my boys." Everyone pulled me into a group hug.

The guys needed to decide their playlist for Warped so I left the music room and went to the couch where I laid down and decided to take a nap. I was only asleep for five minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I moaned opening my eyes to see Johnny. "Hey sleeping beauty, we need your help to decide the playlist." He whispered. I looked up at him with tired eyes. "Will you carry me?" He smiled and picked me up. My eyes were open when Zacky opened the door. When Jimmy saw me he quickly jumped up and removed me from Johnny's arms and into his. I laid in Jimmy's arms while we decided what songs to play.

1. Afterlife

2. Seize The Day

3. Critical Acclaim

4. Scream

5. Almost Easy

6. A Little Piece of Heaven

7. Trashed and Scattered

8. Unholy Confessions

I was really tired still so Jimmy and I went to his house because it was much closer and he didn't want to drive all the way back to mine. Why am I so tired? As soon as we got to his house I went into Jimmy's room and changed into a pair of his pajama pants and one of his shirts, after changing I got under the comforter and quickly fell asleep. After an hour of sleep I woke up and saw I was alone. My stomach grumbled wanting food. I slowly slipped out of the warm bed onto the cold tile floor and made my way to the kitchen. I found a granola bar and ate it quickly. I was getting a glass of water when Jimmy came in carrying bags of groceries. He chuckled at my tiredness and sent me off to bed promising he would be in there soon. Ten minutes after I returned, Jimmy came in and was moving around his room doing something. I was too tired to open my eyes, after awhile I felt the side of the bed dip and Jimmy get next to me. I cuddled close to him and quickly fell asleep for the third time that night.

A Little Piece of Heaven (Jimmy The Rev Sullivan) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now