Danger Line

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I woke up feeling really groggy with a stuffy nose. I untangled myself from Jimmy, when my feet hit the tile floor I shivered. I got up to get one of Jimmy's hoodie's, but ran into the bathroom throwing up all the contents of my stomach. I felt my hair being pulled back from my face and hands picking me up, I looked up and Jimmy had a worried expression on his face. I was shivering and was very pale. Jimmy put a hoodie on me and laid me in the bed. Jimmy took my temperature and cursed. He said would get me some ginger ale and some medicine. I fell asleep right when he left the room. 

Jimmy was softly shaking me awake when I saw he had some medicine, I took the medicine, drank a few sips of ginger ale and closed my eyes as Jimmy was taking my temperature again. It apparently got higher and that just freaked Jimmy out even more. "Ally we need to get you to the hospital." I sighed. "Jimmy give it another hour because I just took the medicine. I need to stay hydrated, Can you please get me some water?" He nodded and ran out of the room. I had a headache and my head was throbbing. Jimmy came back into the room and ran over to me taking my hands away from my face. 

"Ally? Whats wrong?" He asked in a rush. I was in too much pain to answer. So Jimmy just opened my mouth and made me drink some water. Jimmy sat there and held me until I was able to talk. You might be like 'She's 15, she should be able to take care of herself.' and I can, but the thing about Jimmy is he wants to take care of me. He always has, through everything he has been there. I was finally able to talk. "Thank you Jimmy" I said softly as I fell asleep in his arms. A few hours later I woke up sweating, and hungry. Sense I feel better i'm guessing my fever broke. I got out of bed stretching and made my way down stairs. 

When I got down stairs Jimmy was on the phone. "She's really sick. I'm really worried. She has never been this sick before. She had a fever that was at 106 this morning. I'm worried Shad's." I decided to make myself known. I cleared my throat, Jimmy mumbled something into the phone and hung up. He quickly came up to me and enveloped me into a hug. I relaxed into his embrace and told him that I was hungry. He laughed asking me what I wanted. "Panera Broccoli cheese soup please." He smiled while shaking his head. "Panera it is. I'll go get it. You go back to bed while i'm gone." I sighed and went back to Jimmy's room. I didn't want to sleep till Jimmy was back so I decided to watch a movie.

About half way into The Little Mermaid Jimmy walked through the door carrying my soup and some more medicine. I quickly grabbed the soup and starting eating. Jimmy sat next to me on the bed at we ate silently to interested in the movie, and stuffing our face's. When Sebastian started singing kiss the girl I looked over to Jimmy and saw him asleep. I sat there just staring at him, taking in all his features. He was beautiful, simply perfect in every way. I might sound like a creepy stalker, but I don't care. I realize he is the only person I need. I saw him starting to wake up and I quickly looked away blushing tomato red. Jimmy saw my red face and gave me a worried look feeling my forehead for a fever. "Ally what's wrong? Why is your face so red? Do you feel bad again?" I burst out laughing and couldn't seem to stop. I looked over at Jimmy and he was looking at me scared and that just made me laugh harder. 

Why couldn't I stop laughing?! My stomach hurt so bad. Jimmy left the room in a rush. I calmed down just giggling when I saw all of the guys run into the room. That's when I lost control and started laughing again. They all looked at me like I was crazy, you could tell they were worried. As soon as I calmed down for good they all stared at me expectantly. "What?" You could tell they were confused. I sighed at decided to explain, but I added a little lie. "Before Jimmy woke up I was staring at him and was gonna dye his hair purple before he woke up. But he woke up before I could." All the guys started laughing except Jimmy who looked at me with a look that said 'revenge is coming'. Soon after the guys all went home, Jimmy and I watched another movie and soon went to bed for some much needed sleep.  

A Little Piece of Heaven (Jimmy The Rev Sullivan) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now