Hail To The King

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I woke up to my alarm blasting Miles Away by Memphis May Fire...I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:30. I looked over to the side of the bed to find it empty. I sighed and fell back on my bed. About five minutes later I heard my bedroom door open, I saw Jimmy carrying two cups of coffee. He handed me my coffee and kissed my head. "Good morning beautiful, you have to get ready to go to school." I gave him a glare and he put his hands up in surrender. I looked at my clock and it was 5:40, I have to start getting ready at 6:00. After I finished my coffee,and some of Jimmy's, I went to my closet and chose what I was going to wear. I decided on silver leather pants, a purple sleeve-less top, silver bangles, silver feather earrings, a grey beanie, a punk ring, and purple vans. I curled my hair and put on my beanie. I brushed my teeth, did my makeup and put on some anti-percipient.

When I walked back into my room Jimmy wasn't there. I went down stairs to look for something to eat. I couldn't find anything that looked good. So I just grabbed an apple and waited for Jimmy to come out of his room. Yes, he has a room at my house because he is here so often. He walked out of his room in skinny jeans and a Metallica shirt. After I ate my apple I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. Jimmy got on his motorcycle, and I followed his lead getting on the back of it. We took off and made our way to the high school. When we got to the high school I got off the bike and Jimmy took off his helmet and kissed my forehead. I heard a few gasps, and Jimmy chuckled. I watched as he drove off and sighed heading into the building. 

As soon as I got into the building I headed to my locker, I got my books and headed to my first class of the day. We didn't do anything in any of my first four classes, so I listened to music. When it was my lunch break I headed outside and sat under an old oak tree and started to eat some sour skittles and drink a smoothie. Lunch of a champion, right? I hate school food and don't have time to pack a lunch in the morning. After I fished my smoothie the bell rung letting us know we have seven minutes to get to our 5th period. As I got up and started walking away from the tree I looked back and imagined being with my brother again. I wiped away my tears and went to algebra, Not being able to get my brother off of my mind.

When the final bell went off, I went to the front of the school and waited for Jimmy to come. When you exit the school they have a rule that you cannot enter again once you leave. About five minutes went by and it started to rain. Where's Jimmy? After waiting ten more minutes in the pouring rain I decided to walk home. My house is about six miles away so it took a while to get there. I was soaked with makeup running down my face when I opened my front door to find Jimmy asleep. I decided not to be mad at him. When I closed the door Jimmy jumped up and looked at my appearance with wide-eyes. "I'm so sorry Ally! I was trying to stay awake! I'm so sorry! You walked six miles in the rain? Are you ok? You could have gotten hurt! I'm so sorry!"

I laughed at his freaking out " Jimmy I am ok! I was worried about you. I'm not mad. OK?" he still looked upset. "I'm going to go shower and you can make it up to me by putting on Harry potter and making us dinner. "I would love to! I'm so sorry Ally-cat!" I smiled and shook my head walking upstairs. I took a warm bath, put on some pajamas and headed down stairs. When I got to the living room I saw Jimmy with two cokes, and macaroni and cheese. I laughed and sat down next to Jimmy and grabbed my food. I looked over at Jimmy and he was picking at his food. I moved over to where I was sitting on his lap and kissed his cheek. He smiled and pressed play starting to eat. After I ate my food I leaned my head on Jimmy's shoulder and I quickly fell asleep. I felt someone carry me upstairs and put me in my bed. "Jimmy?" I mumbled. "Yes Ally?"I sighed at the comfort of his voice. "Stay with me, forever..." I heard him suck in his breath. He got into bed with me and cuddled me close. "I'll be here forever. As long as you want me." I smiled "Forever and always....." I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and tell me what you think, or what you want to see!

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