chapter three

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*Two months later*

You were in the library again, on the same couch that you had officially met Peter on. And the man in question was currently asking a bunch of incredibly stupid questions. "Peter oh my god! Do you ever stop? I mean seriously you've asked 37 different questions in the past hour! I'm reading and you clearly need to study!" he just smirked at you and stuck his tongue out. While you rolled your eyes and got back to your book. "Peter if you ask one more question you will end up regretting it." you didn't even look up from your book. "Do you think sharpies ever wonder what a bagel tastes like?" with that your eye twitched, and you got up from your seat and headed out of the library. "I told you you were going to regret this Maximoff!" and you were off to put your plan into action.

You had just finished taking the gloves off and hiding the evidence, when you heard a knock on your door. "(y/n)? It's Peter... i really hope you're not actually mad at me, cause then i would feel reallllllly bad." you could hear a hint of actual sadness in his voice. So you went over and opened the door with a small smile on your face. "I'm not mad, just a bit irritated, but who doesn't get irritated around you?" his eyes shot up and he hit your arm. "HEY!" and you both burst into laughter. And you both went on with the day... until he finally took a shower.

You had two choices. One: open your door and face the consequences of an angry Peter. Or two: run away, you liked the latter option.

That's how you ended up climbing out a window at 9 o'clock at night. It was easy... till you fell and landed on one burly, angry professor.You somehow managed to get up quickly and then sprinted down the lawn. You didn't hear Logan yelling, you unfortunately were too preoccupied. But you knew you were most likely getting some form of detention. Curse him being at the wrong place and wrong time. Peter, god knows how, hadn't figured out you had left the room yet so he was still trying to get in. you know without breaking the door down. "What has gotten into the kid? She just sprinted down the lawn in her Pjs...and what the hell happened to your hair Maximoff?" Peter had turned around to see Logan and the Professor in some conversation. "She switched my shampoo and dyed it pink. But you said she sprinted down the lawn right?" Before Logan could finish nodding, Peter was already off in the direction you were going.

You had made it back to the mansion making Peter think you were somewhere hiding in the lawn. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" You turned to see Scott and Jean. "Definitely not hiding from Peter because I dyed his hair pink." You tried to say it convincingly, but you started laughing half way through the sentence. "That was you?? wow he must be mad." You nodded, he was probably... no definitely going to murder you. "I'm going back to my room, see y'all tomorrow." You smiled and hurried back to your room. Making it back safely you let out a relieved sigh. And proceeded to crash on your bed.

"(Y/N) OPEN THE DOOR!" You jumped out of your peaceful sleep. Someone was yelling at you and knocking repeatedly at the door. Slowly walking up to the door you turned the handle. "Hey Peter, I love the hair by the way." He looked very unimpressed. "What did you do to my hair?" He didn't take the joke very well. "It's just temporary, just shower and it will wash out. You have to admit it's quite funny." He didn't say anything and sped away. You hoped he wasn't mad. You went to bed worried that he hated you. I Mean it wasn't the worst thing either of you had done to each other by far...but you had to admit it was a bit uncalled for.

After an entire morning of classes without seeing Peter, you walked into the kitchen to get a snack. "Hey." turning around you see Peter. "Hey, I'm sorry about your hair. I was just messing around." You looked down at you shoes. "It's ok. Sorry I just sped off, I should have talked to you." You laughed "It was a good idea though." He started laughing. "Yeah I guess you're right. Come on let's go do something I'm bored." You raised your eyebrow "you're always bored." He smirked I'm response. "Come on, let's go loser."

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