chapter six

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You fell off the bed tangled in your sheets. "What?" You groaned in reply, completely groggy and not having any idea what was happening. "It's two in the afternoon sugar, why are you still in bed?" You finally got out of the mess of sheets and cursed yourself for forgetting your alarm and missing classes. "Long night...i'm sorry..." Rouge sighed, even though she knew what you were going through she still was watching out for you. She just rubbed your back for a second and was out the door. You on the other hand were a complete mess, your (H/C) was who knows where, and you kinda just wanted to go back to sleep and not wake up. But Rouge was right, you needed to get up and get yourself together, so that is inevitably what you did.

It took a few more days to get yourself back on track, with Rouge hyping you up and Jubilee making sure that you were eating properly, it was nice to finally get back to some sense of normalcy. It took quite a lot for you not to just turn around and go back to bed, or forget to eat, or go to class...but you had people who were your friends and wanted to help. And you treasured them for it. But you missed having Peter there, missed all his dumb questions or the way that he would steal and hide your things. He was after all your best friend...but you missed him. It wasn't the same without him and life was so much more boring. You knew you would have to talk to him soon, you didn't want to but at the same time you had to know what was going on. So you wandered the halls looking for the silver haired speedster, and in the end he found you instead.

" Hey! Wait up!" You tuned to see Peter eating an apple. "Scott didn't dare you, did he peter." His eyes went wide. "What do you mean...of course talked to him didn't you" you raised your eyebrow. "Yes I did. So why, the real reason Peter please." He looked down, his happy mood fell. "If I tell you it... Its gonna ruin our friendship, and I don't want that." You sighed, honestly him lying to you was what was going to ruin the friendship, it wasn't fun not knowing why he did something like that to you. "nothing will Peter, you can just tell me. Because that kiss left me so confused and I just want to know why?" He inhaled "ireallylikeyou" he quickly mumbled. "What was that" you had heard what he said, but you pretended not to, and smirked. "I really like you, like a lot." He finally looked up to see you smirking. " I heard you the first time Peter, I just felt like making you say it again." He stared at you starstruck... "I hate you" you smirked again. "No you don't Peter." With that you quickly walked through the halls to collect the class work you missed, leaving a gaping Peter behind you. Honestly you felt like you were walking on air, you still weren't happy about the lying, but it didn't really matter because Peter liked you back and that was the one thing you had wanted.

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