chapter seven

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Not knowing if you and Peter were a couple was strange, I mean you had both just confessed that you liked each other about two hours ago... but you haven't really talked much about what you were yet. The thought persisted all day to my displeasure, it felt like one of those itches in the back of your mind that never goes away. I mean i should be happy, he likes me but what if he isn't looking for a relationship? It was all so much, it was exhausting. You had decided to eat dinner with jubilee and Kurt, as Peter usually skipped dinner to play video games with Scott, since I was good friends with them. They always had some interesting story to talk about or whatever new gossip was going around the school. It was always a good time with them. But being the people they were they wanted to hear the details about what was going on with you and Mr. Speedy Gonzalez

"So he really kissed you! Oh my stars that's AMAZING!" Jubilee squealed, she had been 'shipping' us since day one. Kurt just laughed at her silly antics, as she continued to just rave about how perfect you two were for each other. "I sink zat is vunderful. Zu two must be happy." I blushed looking down... "well sorta, he told me he liked me but he hasn't asked me out or I have no idea." I slammed my head onto the table making it shake a bit. My brain was running wild with so many thoughts. "Hey, it's gonna be ok. Like he said he likes you, so that's a start." I raised my head smiling at Jubilee. You had also asked for their opinions on what to do about the whole Peter situation and Jubilee had said "(y/n) if you want to know what you two are now, you've just gotta sit and talk to each other! You can't just go parading around the topic, a key part in any relationship is communication. So all you have to do is talk to him" she smiled at you. "How are you always so optimistic? But yeah your right. Like always." She chuckled. "It's what I do sweet pea." Kurt also mentioned how your prank was hilarious and everyone had been talking about Peter's hair for a week. And with that we laughed as dinner came to an end.

You then walked into your dorm seeing Peter playing with a Rubix cube on my bed. "Need some help there?" He looked up frowning "no...ok maybe a little" I laughed grabbing the cube quickly solving it and throwing it back to him. "I don't get how you do it so fast..." I smiled " just talent I guess." I sat down next to him wondering if I should ask him about what we were... It was an odd thing to bring up in any conversation, but it was something that you two needed to talk about.

"What are we...?" you finally asked after a few moments of silence. He looked over at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" I sighed "I mean what are we, are we friends, or what... cause i mean we both pretty much confessed that we like the other and we never really talked about what we are exactly" he looked up at you, a small smile on his face "well I want to be more than friends so no we're not friends. I want you to be my partner, but I can't do that." you looked down. Disappointed when he said that he didn't want you to be his significant other. "Why?" you looked up with sad eyes only to see him smiling again "because I haven't taken you on a date yet." your eyes widened "well what are you waiting for? Ask me out already you asshole!" He started laughing with you. "Well alright! (L/n) will you do the honor of going on a date with me?" You smiled nodding as you kissed his cheek. "Now you have to go. It's past curfew. And I don't need Logan giving me another detention!"

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